Find out the reasons for the appearance of the white screen on the laptop

by time news

Follow-up – Jawdat Nasri

The white screen problem is one of the common problems that may affect our laptop, without knowing its causes, but it can be solved with simple steps.
If you encounter this problem, you should know that it will be due to one of the following reasons:

1- Damage to the screen

There may be damage to the laptop screen because it collided with something or the “laptop” fell to the ground, which may lead to the emergence of this problem, and to solve the problem, try another screen to make sure that it works, and if you find it working, then this means that the problem is from the screen, and that it must replace it with another one.

2- Screen cable

This problem may be caused by the screen cable, as one of them may not be connected well, or it may have been damaged due to the passage of a long period of time, as you must verify all of these connections in order to make sure that the problem is not from the cables, as one of the cables is connected to the motherboard And the other is connected to the screen, while there is also a cable connected to the inverter, “which is an electronic circuit that converts alternating current into direct current.”

3- A problem with the VGA card

It is considered the most difficult problem because it may need a specialist to solve it so that no damage occurs to the internal parts. If you connect the laptop to an external screen, you will find the external screen working, which may lead you to believe that the problem is due to damage to the main screen, but the problem may occur because of the “card The VGA, so this problem is considered difficult, and to solve this problem, you will have to disassemble the laptop until it reaches the motherboard, and search for the “Vega card” or “Master Chip” and it says “NVIDIA”, then you heat the VGA card, but from the back is hot High for about a minute, then reconnect the parts again as they were, and you will find that the screen is working, God willing.

4- A problem with the laptop battery

In the event that the white screen appears, the battery can be removed from the laptop, and restarted again without the battery present, via the charger directly, and you can remove the battery permanently and lift the laptop from the charger as well, and press the power button for 30 seconds or more, and then restart battery to the laptop again, and you should see that the problem is gone.

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