Find the teachers and continue with the diminished initial project

by time news


At first glance, the intention of the rojillos of the PT, to Valerie Flores, It is to obtain a part of the support of the divided teachers’ sector, but also of Morena, where most of the current members of the Labor Party are from. In the list of candidates for local deputies, in the Southeast region they bet on Francisco Alfonso Gaytan Rodriguezfrom a teachers’ organization opposed to the SNTE, from Alfonso Cepeda Salasbut did not win in the Section 38 dispute, where the victory went to Isela Luevano Munoz, who is linked to Morena. he goes too Alejandro Campos Garciawhich if it is not the same name, then it is the former leader of Section 38. It is noticeable that the tendency is to look for the professors and continue with the diminished initial project.


But the PT also managed to take Morena from him – he thanks him Diego del Bosque–, a Miroslava Sanchez Galvan, who was the founder of the party in Coahuila and came to lead the leadership with the worst results in history in addition to multiple questions about spending. The petistas bring everything, also resentful tricolors, although already in the second and third generation as Alonso Z’cruz y Antonio Gutierrez Wislar.


A little over a year ago, coming from the administrative direction of the Office of the Attorney for Girls, Boys and the Family (Pronnif), he came to manage the ISSSTE delegation in Coahuila, Andoni Larequi Butler. The chair was too big for him, not to mention that he took the reins of a delegation in complete disarray, today it is worse. There is no medication in hospitals, much less oncology, and in labor relations, not to mention: complaints are the order of the day, but more so in the Hospital de Saltillo, where one day yes and the other also the doctors and nurses ask for the dismissal of the director Hilda Luna, due to the constant harassment at work. The maintenance of the facilities is also a forgotten matter. Intervention is urgent Pedro Zenteno to right the ship.


Allende again? It just can’t be. Anyone would put their hand to their forehead and shake their head from one side to the other as a sign of refusal for what has just happened in this municipality where they govern Jose de Jesus Diaz. It is registered as the municipality where the most fentanyl has been seized by authorities. Just to refresh your memory, the worst massacre in the history of the territory in modern times occurred in this municipality, and all because of crime.


The one who finally did not want to listen to the song of the sirens was the misnamed mayor of Mirasierra –a hyperpopulated neighborhood in the eastern part of the city–, Limbar Valdez. He stayed with his old party, PVEM, from “Pepe Cuckoo” Sandoval. With the greens, he was a candidate for mayor of Saltillo, but later a series of events happened that caused his image to deteriorate beyond control. However, even with all the bad records, Alfonso Danao de la Pena, boss in the Citizen Movement, tried to take him to lead District 16 in the local deputy race. Limbar was made to beg and finally goes for the PVEM and will have as a rival for the MC Aida Badillowho has been in the fight for people with HIV for many years.


The UDC alliance with PVEM also showed that there are no intentions to put an end to the past – as the candidate for governor points out Lenin Pérez–, because together they are going to apply for a highly questioned expanista: Ignacio Corona. He was a Semarnat delegate when he was a PAN member. Also in the 1997-1999 local legislature, the worst of embarrassments passed, and even so, both Lenin and “Pepe Cuckoo” Sandovalthey decided to rescue him from oblivion, or from the past that they deny so much.


Migrants arriving in Coahuila are also in grave danger when they are at the immigration station. The National Institute of Migration of Francisco Garduno does not provide any guarantees. In Chihuahua, as is known, 39 migrants died in a fire at a migration station. In Saltillo the conditions are not optimal either. They kept saying that there would be a remodeling of the old station of the Gimnasio Albergue Gilberto, but this never happened. Instead, they rented a house in the República neighborhood, which at the time was also a residential area, and they began to operate it as a migration station and branch offices, despite not meeting the basic requirements. How many municipal, state and federal authorities turn a blind eye all the time to keep the station running there?


During the chancellor’s visit Marcelo Ebrard to the land where the new Tesla plant will be built, in Nuevo León, but which will detonate the entire region, important issues were discussed. The first is that there is a commitment to Elon Musk that it is the plant that uses the least water of all the company’s in the world, and two that have plenty of land, including the two highways, the free and the Saltillo-Monterrey toll, as reserves and for maneuvers. In addition, part of the protected natural area was acquired and will be preserved.


Well calculated that they had it all “El Arre”, Jose Angel Hernandez y Luis Zavalaboth ex-functionaries of the delegation of the Welfare Secretariat in times of Kings Flowers. Through dependency they managed to be present among the population so that at the time of the Morena polls for local deputy they were the highest and thus reach the appointment. Any resemblance to the PRI and PAN methods is mere coincidence. There is another case that draws attention among the morenos, the deputy Lizbeth Ogazon, who came to Congress through the tombola of the lucky multi-members, and who now in re-election, is going by land to spend soles. Although the tricolor numbers say otherwise, these three characters, plus Jacobo Rodriguez in the north, they would be the rivals to beat. All at the time.

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