Fine of 7.5 million dong Black Rose Team Leader for taking blood of students voluntarily | Society

by time news

2023-08-24 13:25:30

Subjects in the “Black Rose” group describe the blood collection process at the authorities. (Photo: Hoang Ngoc/VNA)

Inspector of Hai Phong Department of Health has just issued Decision No. 25/QD-XPHC, administratively sanctioning Mrs. Dinh Thi UtLeader of the Black Rose Self-Help Team, by implementation HIV testing for people under 15 years old without the written consent of that person’s father, mother or legal guardian.

According to the Decision of the Inspector of Hai Phong Department of Health, Ms. Dinh Thi Ut violated Clause 6, Article 2 of Decree No. 124/2021/ND-CP dated December 28, 2021 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles. of the Government’s Decree No. 115/2018/ND-CP dated September 4, 2018 on sanctioning of administrative violations on food safety and Decree No. 117/2020/ND-CP dated September 28, 2020 of the Government on sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of health. The form of sanctioning Ms. Dinh Thi Ut amount of 7.5 million dong.

As a reporter from the Vietnam News Agency reported, on August 18, people informed, at the address 44 Nguyen Huu Cau, Hai Son ward, a group of women took blood from a series of minors. clear purpose.

The authorities of Do Son district checked and discovered the Black Rose Self-help Group led by Mrs. Dinh Thi Ut, born in 1971, as the leader of the group and 4 members who are having counseling activities, taking blood and secretions through the mouth. for HIV testing.

At the time of examination there were 12 minors. The group declared that they performed a quick test to take oral fluid in 3 cases, and a quick test for finger blood in one case. All four children are under 16 years old. Representatives of the Black Rose Self-Help group have not been able to present legal documents related to this activity.

On the afternoon of August 21, Vice Chairman of Hai Phong City People’s Committee Le Khac Nam gave an opinion to assign the People’s Committee of Do Son district to chair, together with the Department of Health and related units to urgently inspect Investigate and clarify content related to the Black Rose Self-Help Group (also known as Black Rainbow) voluntarily taking blood from students for testing and will strictly handle if violations are detected.

[Hải Phòng: Làm rõ hành vi lấy máu để xét nghiệm của nhóm Bông Hồng Đen]

The Do Son District People’s Committee issued Document No. 473/BC-UBND to provide initial information on the incident and set out a number of guidelines related to the activities of the Black Rose Self-Help Group, including: Do Son District Police will strictly handle if violations are detected.

Also on August 21, Hai Phong Department of Health official information on the case of Black Rose Self-Help Group.

According to the document of the Department of Health, the Black Rose Self-Help Group uses a rapid HIV screening test (not having to draw blood for HIV testing with a needle at medical facilities), this rapid test kit only uses only once, no risk of infection.

Specifically, taking blood for testing with a rapid test kit uses a very small needle, pressing on the customer’s finger for testing. There is no document that stipulates who cannot take blood for HIV screening test in the community, so community groups can do it.

Regarding this incident, on August 22, the Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control under the Ministry of Health, informed: The Black Rose – Black Rainbow Group is a self-help group often referred to as an organization based on community, formed on the voluntary basis of its members and participated in HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities since August 2011.

The group is currently implementing the project “Protecting the Future-Strengthening new community-based interventions to control HIV infection among youth drug users in Vietnam” in Hai Son ward, district Do Son, Hai Phong city; by the Center for Support of Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) with funding from Expertise France of France.

The project has been approved by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) in Decision No. 1379/QD-LHHVN dated December 16, 2020 and deployed in 7 provinces and cities, including Hai Phong.

The Black Rose – Black Rainbow group also implemented a number of HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities under VUSTA’s HIV/AIDS prevention and control project funded by the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the 2021 period. -2023.

The venue of the “Black Rose” group to organize activities. (Photo: Hoang Ngoc/VNA)

The Black Rose – Black Rainbow group has 5 members, including one member who attended a training course on HIV testing counseling in the community.

In Vietnam, according to reports from localities from 2019 onward, community groups have contributed to HIV testing about 30-50% of new cases every year. then the contribution level is higher up to 50-70%. Thus, community organizations have a great role in finding new HIV infections.

Considering the mass information and related agency reports, the Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control finds that the implementation of the Black Rose group in providing some HIV/AIDS prevention and control services in the community is appropriate for the community. policy stated in the National Strategy on ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

However, the Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control agreed with the proposal of the Hai Phong CDC to suspend the Black Rose group’s activities to collect information to verify the recent incident.

The Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control proposed the Hai Phong Department of Health and CDC to thoroughly understand that community organizations participating in HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the locality strictly implement regulations, professional processes and proper testing for HIV/AIDS patients. risk behavior on a voluntary basis.

The Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control requested the SCDI Center to review the project’s process to ensure the control of community organizations to strictly comply with the Project’s instructions and professional regulations for activities in the community. .

The SCDI center needs to coordinate with local health authorities to ensure that the project implementation is in accordance with current regulations. Strengthen communication and promotion of services so that people understand the necessity and meaning of HIV/AIDS prevention and control services provided in the community.

Reporter (VNA/Vietnam+)

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