Finland suspects “government actor” behind Nord Stream leaks, Sweden opens investigation for “aggravated sabotage”

by time news

Europeans Facing the Threat of Hybrid War, According to The New York Times

The Europeans have not yet identified the causes of the explosions which hit the gas pipelines, but several leaders believe that it is unlikely that it was an accident, recalls the New York Times. The daily recalls that for years “military experts warn of the danger of so-called hybrid warfare”that is, where democratic functions are undermined, where normal life is disrupted and where chaos and uncertainty are sown. “These leaks are a reminder of how exposed vital systems can be to outside attacks,” also writes the daily, which notes that, “according to the Danish and Polish leaders, there is no coincidence” : these explosions were discovered when the Baltic Pipe, a new gas pipeline linking Norway to Poland and passing through Denmark, was inaugurated.

Read also: Hybrid warfare, the war before the war

“This episode marks the final end of the Nord Stream projects, which have reinforced Europe’s dependence on Russian gas”notes for its part the Washington Post. “No one on the European side thinks it is anything other than Russian sabotage”declares a European official quoted by the daily: only “Russia had the motivation, the equipment and the capability” to do. Some see it as a message to NATO, about Russian capabilities, others as a threat to non-Russian energy infrastructure, or to essential Internet data cable networks lying at the bottom of the oceans.

Tobias Federico, managing director of consultancy firm Energy Brainpool, interviewed by the Wall Street Journalsays: “This incident raises fears that all critical infrastructure in Europe, from oil and gas pipelines in the North Sea to power cables linking mainland Europe, Scandinavia and the UK, to internet cables, is at risk. This is proof of a fairly powerful nuisance capacity. »

Read also: “Europe is on the verge of losing the submarine cable war”

CNN is interested for its part in the information of the Spiegel : “Over the summer, the United States warned several European allies, including Germany, that the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines could be threatened or even attacked. » These warnings were based on assessments made by US intelligence, but they were vague and did not clearly indicate who might be behind an attack or when it might take place.

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