Finland-Sweden join NATO; Russia says it will strengthen border defenses

by time news

Russia says if Finland and Sweden join NATO, it will be forced to strengthen defenses in the Baltic region. Former Russian President and Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has warned that Russia will deploy nuclear weapons near the Baltic states and Scandinavia if Finland decides to join Sweden or NATO.

Medvedev said that the entry of the two countries into the alliance would be more than double Russia’s border with NATO members and, naturally, these borders need to be strengthened. Earlier in the day, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned that the decision would escalate tensions in the region.

However, in response to Medvedev’s statement that Russia has already deployed nuclear weapons in the Baltic region, Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvidas Anuswas said. Arvidas alleges that even before the current crisis, Russia had deployed nuclear weapons in the Kaliningrad EXCLAVE in the Baltic Sea.
He added that the international community and countries in the region are aware of this. Russia’s Kaliningrad exclusive on the shores of the Baltic Sea between NATO members Lithuania and Poland.

Eng­lish Summary;Finland-Sweden join NATO; Rus­sia says it will strength­en bor­der defenses
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