Fire in the Sierra de la Culebra (Zamora): The municipalities evacuated due to the advance of the flames rise to eleven

by time news

The Sierra de la Culebra, in Zamora, burning during the day this Friday. / Jose C. Castillo

Predictions predict an “explosive behavior” of the fire that has already burned 10,800 hectares

THE NORTH Valladolid

The situation caused by the fire in the Sierra de la Culebra de Zamora is far from improving, as can be drawn from the latest news on the progress of the fire, which has forced the declaration of Level 2 severity, the eviction of eleven towns and so on. to cut the National Highway 631 at the height of Litos.

In the note sent to the media by the Junta de Castilla y León, it is stated that the estimates indicate that the fire has already devastated 10,800 hectares and all this in a climatological scenario in which an “explosive behavior” of the fire is expected, which which entails a high risk for extinction and causes high propagation speeds, as well as great intensity and length of flame.

The weather conditions are very unfavorable and yesterday, Friday, there were constant winds from the south of 30 kilometers per hour, with erratic behavior and gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour. The probability of a dry storm is high and there is little probability of precipitation. High temperatures are expected with records exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. The analysis of the situation of the atmosphere through radiosonde techniques predicts a high convective potential, it is stated in the official notification.

For all these reasons, a complicated night is expected in one area. The province of Zamora currently registers two Level 2s. The first, declared this Friday in the Sierra de la Culebra and which has forced the evacuation of the municipalities of Cabañas de Aliste, Torre de Aliste, Pobladura de Aliste, Mahíde, Palazuelo de las Cuevas, San Pedro de las Herrerías, Boya and Villardeciervos. And, the second, this one from Ferreras de Abajo y de Arriba. (Cabañas, Torres and Pobladura de Aliste, Mahíde, Palazuelo de las Cuevas, San Pedro de las Herrerías, Boya, Villardeciervos, Ferreras de Abajo y de Arriba, and Villanueva del Valrojo) remain evacuated, with their neighbors distributed among the neighboring Camarzana de Tera and Alcanices. In the centers set up to welcome those who have had to leave their homes there are some 317 people, while a similar number has been welcomed by friends and relatives outside the affected towns.

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