Fire is reported on line 2 of the Metrobús, what to do in case of fire inside the unit?

by time news

2023-10-05 23:26:21

Accidents and tragedies can occur at any time and place, that is why it is important to be prepared and know how to act, we tell you. what to do if the metrobus you are traveling in catches fire.

The question arises after social media users shared photos and videos of a metrobus that was emitting smoke and later caught fire at the UPIICSA station on line 2 of this transport.

Passersby stopped to see if anyone needed help, but fortunately there were no passengers inside the unit, as the driver had noticed some anomalies.

After filing the report of the failures in the unit, the driver proceeded to evacuate the passengers and minutes later the fire occurred. Fortunately, the necessary protocol was carried out to eradicate the flames before the damage was worse for the station.

Foto: Getty Images

How safe is it to travel by Metrobús?

At a general level, the Metrobús is considered the safest public transport due to its low crime incidence.

Furthermore, according to the directors, the units are constantly provided with maintenance, which guarantees that incidents such as the metrobus fire at the UPIICSA station are rare.

However, these units have not been exempt from accidents, as several have been involved in crashes and road accidents with other drivers.

Foto: Getty Images

What do I do if the Metrobús I’m riding catches on fire?

The recommendations of What should you do if the metrobus you are traveling in catches fire?are similar to the measures you should take when the subway has this same problem.

According to him official portal of the Mexico City metrowhat you should do is:

Stay calm to avoid running, pushing, screaming or falling accidentallyIf you detect smoke or fire, you must notify the staff immediatelyIf the staff considers it necessary, an orderly evacuation will be carried out, follow the instructions at all timesTry to exit the unit in an orderly manner while covering your airways with a wet cloth, preferably If necessary, try to move on the floor to avoid becoming poisoned The most important thing is that you follow the instructions of trained personnel at all times and do not act on your own or put your integrity at risk .

Where to report a Metrobús?

He citizen service portal Publish the data you must report to:

Now that you know what to do if the metrobus you are traveling in catches fireIf you want to know more about the measures to be safe, we share this video with you.

#Fire #reported #line #Metrobús #case #fire #unit

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