Her measure suspension of employment contracts of employees of businesses affected by the fires in Attica implements the Ministry of Labor and Social Securitywith the signing of the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministries of Labor & Social Security, National Economy & Finance and Climate Crisis & Civil Protection.


In particular, private sector companies, regardless of sector and business activity, in areas of Northeast Attica affected by the fires of August 2024, whose facilities suffer complete destruction or serious material damage to the extent that it is not safe to provide work within the workplace, they can suspend the employment contracts of their employees, who were hired up until the previous day (10/8/24) from the occurrence of the fire, until the damages that have been caused due to it are repaired and in any case not beyond three (3) months.

The measure concerns exclusively the employees of the businesses that suffered damage and are active in the municipalities of Vrilissi, Penteli, Chalandrio, Dionysos, Marathon, Oropos, and specifically in the Municipal Communities of Vrilissi, Melissia, Nea Penteli, Penteli, Chalandrio, Agios Stefanos, Dionysos, Rodopolis, Stamata, BarnabasGrammar, MarathonNea Makri, Afidnon, Kapandriti, Malakasa and Polydendri.

Employees whose employment contract is suspended are entitled to extraordinary financial aid, as special purpose compensation, amounting to 534 euroswhich corresponds to 30 days.

Employees whose employment contracts are suspended are provided full insurance coveragecalculated on their nominal salary, for the period of suspension of the employment contract, as well as for the holiday allowances corresponding to this period.

Businesses are required to submit a responsible declaration every month to the P.S. ERGANI, with which they declare the employees whose contracts are suspended. After the first declaration of suspension of the business-employer, the eligible employees submit a responsible declaration to the relevant one electronic platform.

From today 16/8/2024 until 31/8/2024, PS ERGANI will be available for the submission of declarations of suspension of the employment contracts of employees for the month of August 2024, by businesses in the areas affected by the fires.

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