“Firefighter of the year” – Kamaladdin Heydarov – 2024-02-09 09:29:24

by times news cr

2024-02-09 09:29:24

Kamaladdin Heydarov is announced as the winner of the “Firefighter of the Year” nomination for fundamentally solving the problem of all objects that catch sparks in Azerbaijan. You will probably agree that the extraordinary minister is a real professional in this business, he works with the precision of a jeweler. In recent years, he conquered all unwanted shopping centers in the country. Mind you, all those facilities were burnt to ashes thanks to the “agile” action of the emergency firefighting team. Representatives of the Ministry repeatedly emphasize that their teams have specialists who have received excellent training in this field. We don’t doubt it. But for some reason, those professionals cannot come to the scene. Mr. Minister sometimes comes at the end, usually in sports jeans. Firefighters either get stuck on the road, or their vehicles run out of water in the middle of a fire. In recent days, social network users shared a list of more than 10 shopping centers that mysteriously burned in the last 6 years. According to statistics, fire broke out twice in “Sadarak” and “Karvan” shopping centers, and once in “Bina”, “Sahil”, Sheki, “Diglas” and “EUROHOME” shopping centers. Isn’t it mysterious? The reasons for the occurrence of similar fires are as mysterious as what happened in the process of extinguishing them. For years, the teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who arrive at the fire scene have shown the same level of incompetence. What is a secret, the efforts of people who jump and fall as if circling the Wednesday hearth surrounded by the fire never work and the objects burn and turn to ashes. As a result, the owners of the ash-covered property are left helpless. Do you think it is a coincidence that similar fires are repeated from time to time and the same events happen to objects with the same profile? Of course not. The child also understands that there is an inter-clan war within the government, and the burning shopping centers are also the result of those intrigues. That is, what should be turned on turns on and what should be turned off does not turn off. People joke that “Bravo” markets are built for Mehriban Aliyeva in the burned places.

Three years ago, one of our close friends wrote the following about the fire incident he witnessed in the capital: “Suddenly a fire broke out in a small facility, which is said to belong to the state, adjacent to the kindergarten in the yard of our building. Firefighters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not take long. But I witnessed a terrible sight. The rescue team openly watched the fire and waited for the object to turn to ashes. At that time, I was firmly convinced that the facility fires in the country were deliberately set. And in the place of that small building that burned, as I predicted from the beginning, they built a new 3-story cafe-restaurant type building.” Well, that’s the truth. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the state institutions with the highest number of cases of corruption in the country. The ministry spends millions every year on emergency preparedness. The amount of funds allocated for the training of fire teams is also quite large. But there is no good result in the middle. Since Heydarov became the head of this ministry, we have not once received the news that “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs extinguished such and such a burning object” and could not utter the word “thank you”. A strange idea comes to a person’s mind: the minister explains the “firefighting” service to his employees in the form of “firefighting” in reverse. Or what else can we write down so many unsuccessful firefighting operations in a single year? As the late Bashir Safaroglu said, why do these objects burn slowly in the afternoon, in front of the nation?

Of course, the fire incidents brought the issue of property and object insurance back to the agenda. In particular, entrepreneurs whose properties were burnt down as a result of a fire in commercial facilities turn to various authorities and ask for compensation from the state. The Minister of Emergency Situations said that in no country in the world does the state pay for the damage to the property of the population in natural or technical disasters. As a result of the humanitarian steps of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, compensations were paid and houses were built for them. But this is not the case in other states. These issues are also reflected in the legislation of Azerbaijan. In other words, each individual insures himself and his life, builds houses and shopping centers to live in, and decorates everything beautifully. But people are careless about insurance. They want compensation from the state unjustly. Every issue is reflected in the legislation. How to insure imported, domestically produced goods and properties sold in shopping centers, all these are reflected in the laws. We have laws on compulsory insurance. Therefore, the activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other state institutions directly dealing with these matters should increase in this area.”

Then, let’s ask the minister who talked about it and received the nomination “Firefighter of the Year” – in which country does the President (more precisely, an illegitimate dictator) appoint his wife as the head of state and that greedy lady eats the rights of this state and this people? We do not know another country like this…

“Super Minister” even emphasized that the issue is human security: “The first is human security. As a result of the active work of our brave firefighters, thankfully, there was no danger to human life and people were saved. However, people’s property and things were damaged in the fire. If we adopt the culture of insurance to both our medium and small entrepreneurs, in the future such a problem should generally not exist, although the number should be small. No one is insured against anything. No one can guarantee that an incident will not occur for one reason or another in any commercial facility or home that has been put into operation. Therefore, the population and businessmen themselves should be careful. Sometimes unharvested grain areas are burned. Why is this? The mowed areas are burned, and then the fire spreads to the unmowed areas. This destroys the hard work done during the year, and also damages the infrastructure facilities that pass through it. In the future, we should bring these issues to our people through more education, strengthening of control and other forms. These issues should be fully clarified by our control institutions, our ministry, and other institutions directly involved in these matters, and the population should be educated. You see that in other countries there are forest fires that cannot be extinguished for months, fires in mountainous areas. Firefighters, as well as we, remember that they burn some places on purpose. They cut trees in the forests and resort to such actions to lose track. This causes various rumors in the society. Why did it burn, how did it burn? In any case, I would like to bring to the attention of the press bodies that they should be a little careful when writing what they know and what they think on their channels and websites, as long as the Ministry of Emergency Situations or other law enforcement agencies do not issue an opinion on this or that incident.” After the minister’s speech, a couple of aphorisms came to mind. Kant said that “the greatest enemy of a lie is the truth”, and Dostoyevsky said that “a person who lies to himself will not be able to tell the truth from a lie after a while.

Let’s touch on another interesting issue. The changes that occurred after the appointment of Safar Mehdiyev as head of Customs can be expressed in one sentence: Safar Mehdiyev is no longer Kamaladdin Heydarov’s man. On the contrary, it is his enemy. In fact, Safar Mehdiyev, who became a political figure thanks to the Minister of Emergency Situations at the time, Kamaladdin Heydarov, should be taken for granted that the last steps of Safar Mehdiyev were directed against the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is impossible not to notice that the majority of those who were “cleared” by customs were Kamaladdin Heydarova’s people. The only aspect that did not satisfy Safar Mehdiyev was precisely this: their closeness to Kamaladdin Heydarov. The DIA agency writes that Safar Mehdiyev, who claims that he will not accept “betrayal” as well as “bribery”, when he made his employee a target, made it clear that he was paying more attention to the issue of treason. In other words, in reality, bribes and bribes were useless… The person who was given the hand betrayed Safar Mehdiyev. Therefore, he was arrested on the charge of “false service to customs officers”. Everyone knows that it is possible to arrest any SGC employee at any time on specific real charges. In this case, if someone does not become a target, then it is useful for Safar Mehdiyev. Those who do not work are natural targets… They say that Safar Mehdiyev will continue his “cleaning”. What the source said: “The process will continue. Because Kamaladdin Heydarov built the customs system from scratch. Safar Mehdiyev still has a lot of “work to do”. Who’s next? We will know in time. Safar Mehdiyev prepared a “black list” for himself. It also acts on that list”…

Traces of our nominee can be found in the media sector as well. “APA”, which was closed recently and restarted after a few months, operates under Heydarov’s patronage. That is, as you can see, Kamaladdin Heydarov was humiliated in this matter as well. The rich and “bread-giving prime minister” that the people once knew has undergone a great transformation and now he is not rich at all. From the Financial Markets Control Chamber to small agencies, whoever came threw stones at her, because it was also reported that Mehriban Aliyeva received the Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov. It was explained to Kamaladdin Heydarov that his remaining in office may cause undesirable results. The man has been a minister (leader) for more than 25 years, and at the same time, he does not meet the criteria of a vice-dictator. Therefore, K. Heydarov will soon be asked to resign along with other “old men”. The minister whose companies are bankrupt and financially broke is living his last days in office. This is his punishment, because large public rallies were destroyed under the leadership of K. Heydarov, known as “Mr. Number 1” loyal to the Aliyevs, and our offices were demolished in the same way. As they say, Boomerang…

PS In the meantime, we are waiting for a new song composition called “Don’t leave me in the fire” from our composer minister before the New Year.

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