Firefighters’ recommendations for the Catholic Holidays and Easter: Do not fall asleep with lit candles / Advice for priests as well

by time news

Firefighters recommend believers who celebrate Catholic Easter or Orthodox Flowers to be careful how to place candles and candles in homes to avoid fires, also offering advice for priests who officiate services during this period, notes Agerpres.

Candles at the serviceFoto: Rrodrickbeiler,

The spokesperson of IGSU, Marin Adrian, made some recommendations to avoid unwanted events this weekend:

  • in the home, candles and lighted candles are placed in non-flammable supports, away from curtains, wooden materials or household appliances, for example in a plate with a little water;
  • under no circumstances should candles or lighted candles be left unattended, and candles must be extinguished during sleep;
  • do not leave lit candles or other sources of fire within the reach of children, and greater attention must be paid to the elderly or other vulnerable categories regarding how to use lit candles or candles, so as to avoid situations in which life or property can be put in danger danger.

In order to avoid incidents during services, the fire department advises priests and parishioners to take the following measures:

  • candles or candles should not be placed near clothes or other textiles, to prevent clothing or hair from igniting;
  • avoiding driving with lit candles in vehicles;
  • parking cars in the vicinity of places of worship, without blocking the access roads intended for fire trucks.

During the Catholic Easter and Orthodox Easter holidays, more than 5,000 firefighters will be on duty every day.

IGSU announced that the fire crews, which include almost 3,800 technical means, are ready to intervene to provide emergency medical assistance, extinguish fires and save people from environments hostile to life.

The response to medical emergencies is ensured by means of the more than 500 SMURD crews, of which 322 crews are staffed by paramedic firefighters, 40 mobile intensive care units (11 specialized in the treatment of newborns), 42 special vehicles for personal transport and multiple victims, as well as 120 special cars for release.

On a preventive line, the firefighters will carry out verification activities at the places of worship where a large influx of participants is expected, as well as at the buildings intended to accommodate people within the monasteries. Such actions will also be carried out at tourist units or at objectives that carry out economic activities in tourist areas.

During the checks, the prevention inspectors will follow aspects regarding the provision of fire extinguishers, the maintenance of free escape routes, the safe operation of electrical installations and the provision of access for emergency vehicles to church buildings and exterior hydrants.


(Article photo: © Rrodrickbeiler |

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