Firefighters suspend efforts due to heavy rain

by time news
Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil – 02/22/2023

Houses destroyed in landslides in Barra do Sahy after storms on the north coast of São Paulo.

The Fire Department informed that it paralyzed the searches in São Sebastião, on the north coast of São Paulo, this Friday afternoon (24), because of the heavy rains that hit the region again.

The municipality was the most affected by the storms that hit the region over the weekend. There were landslides on slopes, flooding and isolated neighborhoods due to the interdiction of access roads. So far, 57 people have been found dead in São Sebastião and more than 3,000 are displaced or homeless across the state.

The rain is expected to continue for the next few days. The north coast of São Paulo should remain alert this weekend for the risk of soil movement. The alert is in the Geo-Hydrological Risk Forecast bulletin, from the National Center for Monitoring and Natural Disaster Alerts (Cemaden) for this Saturday (25).

According to the bulletin, the possibility of mass movements in Baixada Santista and on the north coast of São Paulo is considered high, with special attention to the strip between Guarujá and São Sebastião.

expropriation of land

The government of São Paulo is going to expropriate three areas in the region of São Sebastião with the aim of building affordable housing. The municipality, located on the north coast, was hit by heavy rains that caused destruction during Carnival.

The land that will be expropriated is located in Maresias, Vila Sahy and Topolândia, totaling around 30,000 m² that will be used to build houses for people who were left homeless. The statement will be published in the official state gazette this Saturday (25).

Read more: Pope sends prayers to victims of storms on the north coast of SP

The governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, said this Friday (24) that he will build “passage villages” to house people left homeless after the heavy rains that hit the north coast of the state during Carnival.

According to the head of the São Paulo Executive, the idea is that these places serve as temporary shelter while fixed popular housing is built with CDHU (Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano).

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