First Comprehensive Workshop on Agrarian Journalism is held in Guantanamo

by time news

2023-05-31 23:58:16

A positive balance left the First comprehensive workshop Current challenges of itinerant agrarian journalismheld in the Caujerí Valley with the participation of press professionals from the municipalities of San Antonio del Sur, Imías, Maisí and Baracoa.

The event, conceived as part of the actions undertaken in the province of Guantánamo for the 60th Anniversary of UPEC, was carried out in support of the national policy for attention to rural areas, and one of its main objectives was to strengthen alliances with entities based on the development of the reporting exercise in the Turquino Plan of the easternmost of the Cuban provinces.

As a preamble to the theoretical meeting, visits were made to the Isaías Méndez Agrarian Polytechnic Institute, where human capital is formed for Caujerí, as well as a nursery for vegetable and vegetable seedlings attended by workers from the 17 de Mayo Agricultural Production Cooperative, and the Factory of Canned Food located in Guaibanó.

In the event, the experiences of the journalists present were shared with a view to positioning the content related to the subject in question in the conventional media and all digital platforms, including personal profiles on social networks.

Likewise, the exchange was conducive to providing knowledge to communicators about the best ways to reflect the transformative and revolutionary process in the rural area of ​​the eastern end of the country.

The meeting gained special significance since the 46th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s visit to the Caujerí Valley in 1977 is celebrated on July 1, the site from where he defined strategies that would allow the agricultural, economic and social development of that territory of the province.

#Comprehensive #Workshop #Agrarian #Journalism #held #Guantanamo

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