First encouraging results for the youth employment contract

by time news

Taking advantage of a respite before the day of March 7, Elisabeth Borne did not hide her pleasure on Friday to highlight the results of two public policies in favor of young people, during a meeting in Matignon. Learning first and its 837,000 contracts last year, a sign of a dynamism that does not weaken. The youth engagement contract (CEJ) then, whose first results – 300,000 signatures in eleven months – are encouraging, even if they are still very limited.

The last social reform of Macron’s first five-year term, the CEJ replaced the youth guarantee provided by local missions and individualized support for young people (AIJ) by Pôle emploi. This is an intensive integration scheme for 16-25 year olds (29 for the disabled) who are neither students nor in training and who find it difficult to access long-term employment. It is based on a double commitment: that of the referring counselor to identify with the young person between 15 and 20 hours of weekly activities, and that of the young person to comply with it. At the end of the day, an allowance of 520 euros maximum.

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