First lawsuit filed to overthrow the ‘total peace’ law

by time news

A group of opposition congressmen filed an unconstitutional lawsuitd, which seeks to declare the law of “total peace” unenforceable.

Senators María Fernanda Cabal, Paola Holguín and Paloma Valenciaexplained that in said norm the rights of the victims are unknown and it favors the perpetrators.

For Senator Holguín, the law has three irremediable and unconstitutional procedural defects, since the concept of the Higher Council for Criminal Policy was not taken into account, it is not consecutive and does not respect the right to equality of victims.

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“The Government of Gustavo Petro deliberately ignored the institutional design the rules for the formation of the lawis that they are contemplated in the Constitution and the precedent with the same public order law of 2018,” he explained.

In turn, lSenator Valencia said that the Petro Government is misusing the powers of the law because based on it, it obtained the powers to liberate the First Line.

Colombians cannot forget that Congress voted negatively that there was not going to be freedom for the criminals of the First Line and despite that they want to use it and they also denied the obligatory social service,” he said.

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For Senator Cabal, The Political Constitution must offer guarantees to the victims that the Colombian State has, the obligation to investigate, prosecute and punish acts of violence. Additionally, he said that the victims have the rights to truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition.

He pointed out that the law of “total peace” completely violates what is the axial axis of the Political Constitution of Colombia and benefits criminals, who at the time had also been favored in the ‘Havana’ agreement.

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