First medicine created with fecal material, what is it for?

by time news

2024-01-12 01:00:15

The health field is full of curiosities and one that few know is that there is a medicine created from fecal material. It is exactly what it sounds like and it was actually quite recently that it achieved commercial approval. But before falling into prejudice, it is necessary to identify what it works for.

All the drugs They must overcome a long path from the beginning of research to their use in humans. During this entire period it is necessary to carry out sufficient tests to verify its correct operation. Furthermore, it is mandatory that its benefits outweigh its side effects.

First medicine created with fecal material

The components of medicines can come from the most unexpected corners. Although there is one that has attracted attention because it became the first medicine in the world created with fecal material. Its commercial name is Rebyota and works as a treatment against bacteria Clostridioides Difficile o C. difficile.

In this case, the medicine is made from human fecal matter donated by healthy people. In this form, it contains intestinal bacteria collected from feces and is used for other patients.

Through an advanced phase clinical trial it was proven that a dose of medicine created from fecal material reduced the rate of flare-ups of this bacteria by 29.4% in the eight weeks after antibiotic treatment compared to a placebo.

The presentation of the drug is liquid and its form of administration is through the patient’s rectum through a probe. The objective is to restore the balance of the gut microbiome.

What are its indications for use?

The medicine was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2022. Its main indication is that it can only be used by people over 18 years of age.

Another very important point is that its consumption should not be on its own initiative or self-medication. For its use, prior indication from a health professional is mandatory.

What are the secondary effects?

According to clinical trials, the consumption of drug generates some side effects in patients. Although all of them are annoying, none of them are serious or put people’s integrity at risk.

Abdominal pain Diarrhea Abdominal bloating Flatulence Nausea


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What is C. Difficile bacteria?

In accordance with Mayo Clinicthe main risk of this bacteria is to cause a colon infection. When the problem is not treated in time it can be life-threatening.

It also mentions that the disease It’s hard It usually appears after the use of antibiotics. The most susceptible people are those over 65 years of age and those who are admitted to hospitals because their immune system is weakened.

Symptoms of C. Difficile infection

Watery diarrhea 10 to 15 times a day. Cramps and pain in the belly, which can be intense. Rapid heart rate. Loss of fluids, called dehydration. Fever. Nausea. Increased white blood cell count. Renal insufficiency. Loss of appetite. Swollen abdomen. Weightloss. Blood or pus in the stool.

And in your case, did you know about this curious medicine created with fecal material?

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