First National Registry of Interinstitutional Cardiogenic Shock

by time news

2023-10-30 18:00:35

The Tecnológico de Monterrey health system (TecSalud) carried out the first “LATAM Symposium: Cardiogenic Shock and Heart Failure in Mexico.” It was attended by national and international specialists from different areas of care. For two days, advances, challenges and innovative approaches for the treatment of these diseases were discussed.

The symposium had the academic endorsement of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) Latin American chapter, Heart Failure Society of America and the Mexican Council of Cardiology.

As a result of this conference, the launch of the National Cardiogenic Shock Initiative in Mexico. What it seeks is to homogenize treatments for shock based on management algorithms, which include the use of devices and medications to improve mortality.

What is cardiogenic shock?

This situation occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to the rest of the body. It is also known as cardiac shock and it is a potentially fatal problem.

At the same time, the feasibility of creating the first National Interinstitutional Cardiogenic Shock Registry. In this way, it would be possible to know statistically what the current situation is regarding this condition, and improve the quality of patient care in the country.

The importance of heart health

For many years the mortality of cardiogenic shock has remained high up to 50% in the country according to medical literature, which represents a challenge for the health sector to strengthen spaces within the medical community that allow progress in research, care and solution to the condition.

Dr. René Gómez, director of ECMO and Advanced Cardiopulmonary Support Therapies at TecSalud, highlighted the relevance of bringing together experts, researchers and health professionals from Latin America with the same objective.

For his part, Dr. Vicente Jiménez, interventional cardiologist at TecSalud, pointed out that, for more than a year, the Institution has worked on the creation of a care protocol for patients who present cardiogenic shock, based on algorithms from the National Cardiogenic Shock Initiative (NCSI) in the United States.

Institutions in Mexico that are prepared

This work consolidates TecSalud as the first institution to have a cardiogenic shock equipment in Mexico based on the United States model. It is made up of multiple specialists supported by technological devices that intervene in the management of patients in a coordinated and rapid manner.

During the symposium, Dr. Guillermo Torre, rector of TecSalud and vice president of Research at Tecnológico de Monterrey, highlighted that TecSalud is an academic medical center that, through education, research and clinical care, has the mission of transforming medical practice. in Mexico, therefore, the creation of these initiatives that lead to the development of best practices for the benefit of the community.

“We want to focus our efforts on the management of cardiogenic shock as a team, which allows us to extend it to public health policies through practices that are reasonable, adaptable to our reality and extensive to the general population.”

The importance of having a team of cardiogenic shock in Mexico that involves different specialties (cardiologists, intensivists, cardiovascular surgeons, cardiopulmonary mechanical support specialists and heart failure specialists) is to work in a collaborative and coordinated manner, to make timely patient care decisions and thus reduce the mortality rate.

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