First photo of a planet outside the Solar System obtained by the Webb- space telescope

by time news
from Paolo Virtuani

It is HIP 65426 b, a planet twelve times the size of Jupiter that orbits its star at a distance 100 times greater than that between the Sun and the Earth.

Scientists had said it: expect amazing things. And the James Webb space telescope state of speech. After providing us with ever so detailed images of the universe, for the first time he was able to take adirect image of a planet outside the Solar System (not the first ever, the Hubble Space Telescope was also successful). It is HIP 65426 b, a gigantic planet, twelve times the size of Jupiter, which revolves around its star at a distance of about 15 billion kilometers, that is 100 times greater than that between the Sun and the Earth.

Different wavelengths

Webb identified it thanks to his sophisticated instruments at four different wavelengths: at 3 micrometers in the wavelength corresponds to violet-colored light and at 4.44 micrometers in blue with the NIRCam, with the MIRI instrument at 11, 4 microns in yellow and 15,5 microns in red.

A unique moment for astronomy

This is a moment of transition, not only for the Webb telescope for the whole of astronomy, commented Sasha Hinkley, associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Exeter, England, who leads the international collaboration of these observations between NASA. European space (ESA) and Canadian (CSA). HIP 65426 b, discovered in 2017 by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope located in Chile on the Andes, a young planet: in fact it is only 15-20 million years old, compared to the 4.5 billion of the Earth.

September 2, 2022 (change September 2, 2022 | 20:08)

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