First publication: Advanced negotiations between Belza and the coalition exploded at the last minute

by time news

Members of the political committee of the Belza Hasidism have been walking around the Knesset for the past few hours and have been negotiating with the coalition leaders in an attempt to formulate a deal that will work well with both sides | But when the coalition realized that Israel Eichler’s avoidance would not benefit them following the opposition of two MKs, the deal was blown up.

For the past few hours, members of the political committee of the Belza Hasidim, Eliakim Stark and Zeevi Farkash, have been negotiating with the coalition on a political deal that will lead to the coalition’s victory in passing the Judea and Samaria regulations.

Behadrei Haredim also learned that the negotiations took place in the Knesset corridors, when the committee members arrived in an unusual manner and secretly met with some senior members of the “right” who proposed a deal, MK Eichler’s abstention in the Judea and Samaria regulations in exchange for passing MK Moshe’s communications law Arbel to cancel the kosher cellular reform of Communications Minister Yoaz Handel.

Negotiations took place until about an hour ago, when the coalition realized that a single support from MK Eichler would not help pass the regulations, while two opposition Knesset members announced that they would oppose it.

In the documentation obtained by Behadrei Haredim, Deputy Adviser to Minister Kahana, Avinoam Kutcher, was seen entering the negotiating room with representatives of Belza.

Degel HaTorah sent a sharp threat to Agudat Yisrael and said, “If there is an agreement between anyone from Agudat Yisrael and the coalition to appoint the most dangerous minister for Judaism, it will be a reason for the faction to split,” said a senior Degel HaTorah official.

MK Eichler’s entourage denied the publications and said: “There was not and was not created and there was not even a parable.”

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