First victory for Mike Johnson, the Republican speaker with whom Trumpism and white Christian nationalism have conquered the US Congress

by time news

2023-11-16 21:39:56

The The Bible in which Mike Johnson has said that you can find all his ideology would speak of a miracle. There are, however, much more earthly realities that explain the first great victory that the Republican president of the United States House of Representatives. These are the same reasons that explain the unexpected rise of the practically unknown politician from Luisana to the relevant position, the second in the line of presidential succession. For his ascension represents the cdefinitive onquista of the Republican Party in Congress by the MAGA movement associated with Donald Trump and of white Christian nationalism.

What the ‘speaker’ has achieved this week is to pass a temporary budget law proposal to avoidr, at least until the beginning of next year, the partial government shutdowna norm ratified on Thursday by the Senate and which only needs the signature of President Joe Biden.

Like his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy, Johnson has achieved thanks to votes from the Democrats and without including the deep spending cuts demanded by the most right wing of the party (of which it is a part). But despite the rejection of the law by more than 42% of his own bench, and unlike McCarthy, Johnson does not face a rebellion from that radical wing. Nobody seeks his dismissal.

They do not want to crucify Johnson and this difference in response to a similar action is explained because with him the Republican Party, which in recent decades has given a decided turn to the righthas achieved the ‘most conservative speaker of modern times. It is also the first time that the white religious right, overrepresented in the party Relative to the general population (68% vs. 42%), it places one of its own in such a powerful position.

In a formation that to this day continues to be dominated by Trumpand where the apparatus loses strength in the face of Trumpism, Johnson also has overwhelming credentials of loyalty to the former president and favorite for the 2024 nomination. The 51-year-old former lawyer supported the legal texts attempts to overturn the 2020 elections in several statesvoted in Congress against the certification of Biden’s victory and this week he already said that he is “complete” with Trump in the race for the next presidential elections.

From Trump’s creed to God’s

For progressives and more moderate and traditional Republicans, Johnson also represents something they feared, and that The New York Times columnist Charles Blow has defined as “a second wave of trumpismof politicians who cThey share ideological priorities and inclinations but with a friendlier and more sophisticated packagingand those who they move more than just personal grievances”. And in Johnson’s case that motivation, which also sets off alarms, is his deep religious beliefs.

Since he began his career as a lawyer, before becoming a state legislator and reaching Congress in 2017, he made the fight against abortion one of his causes, in which after the decision of the Supreme Court last year to remove constitutional protection He defends the approval of a federal veto as well. He has also opposed the policies against climate change (which he calls a “Trojan horse of socialism”) or the gay marriage, and although he assures that he respects the Supreme Court ruling that legalized it in 2015, his actions and words expose his rejection. “It is difficult to overestimate the damage this will do to our culture and the deep religious heritage that has defined the US since its founding”he said on one occasion.

In recent weeks, the chapters of the podccast what he had with his wifewith which he has defended the controversial conversion therapiesand in interviews he has assured not remember controversial positions which has continued to defend, for example, criminalize homosexuality. But others have taken it upon themselves to maintain archives or recover old speeches or statements, in which he spoke about homosexuality at the same time as pedophilia or the bestiality and defined it as “sin”, “inherently unnatural” and a “dangerous and destructive lifestyle”. He has also advocated passing a national law similar to Ron DeSantis’ “don’t say gay” law in Florida, which would veto gender teachings or policies in schools, hospitals or other centers that receive federal funds.

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Since his election, statements that Johnson made in a Baptist church in 2019 have also resurfaced in which he assured that “The US is not a democracy. Do you know what a democracy is? Two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. You don’t want to be in a democracy. Majority rule is not always a good thing”, he declared on that occasion.

Johnson this week assured that the church-state separation “”it’s a inappropriate expression that people misunderstand” and stated that “It is not in the Constitution.” On the doors of his office there is a white flag with a pine tree and the phrase “appeal to heaven.” That insignia refers to the Revolutionary War but in the last decade it has become an emblem of the Christian right and the sect New Apostolic Reformationwho believes thatIt is the will of God that Christians take power of the entire society to create a religious nation. Many of them flew in Washington on January 6, 2021, during the assault on the Capitol. Now one of those who waves it is the most powerful Republican in the country.

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