First Zonal Ethno-educational Meeting held by the Ministry of Education with rectors, coordinators and teachers

by time news
  • News
  • Published: 2023-01-11 20:49:37
  • viewed 22 times

Buenaventura, DE, January 10, 2023. The rectors, coordinators, and teachers of official schools responded positively to the call made by the Ministry of Education to participate in the First Ethno-educational Zonal Meeting, held on the morning of Tuesday, January 10.

The event was opened by the mayor (e) Orley Mauricio Aguirre Obando, who highlighted the support that the educational community has been giving to the processes carried out by the district entity.

In the same way, the incumbent president, Víctor Hugo Vidal Piedrahíta, connected virtually to highlight that the Second Educational Revolution has been advancing and always thinking of improving conditions in the educational sector to provide the well-being of the children and young people of the District.

For his part, the head of the Education Portfolio, Marlon Posso Varela, stated: ”The balance is very positive, I am happy, glad that God gives us the possibility of advancing in ethno-educational terms. This Zonal Meeting is an appetizer and makes it possible for Buenaventura to continue walking together with the Community – School for a better future with our learners”.

Posso Varela took the opportunity to thank the work carried out by the eight Zone Heads assigned to coordinate the start of the two weeks of institutional development, which will serve to plan different aspects for the school year that will soon begin.

It should be noted that during the activity the leaders of the Macroprocesses of the Ministry of Education (Planning, Coverage, Inspection and Surveillance, SAC, Information Management, among others), had the opportunity to explain what each of these areas consists of. and the work they are currently doing.

There was also space for the adviser to the Ministry of Education, Faride Pitre, to express the need to continue strengthening Buenaventura as an Ethnic Educator District and for this they will be able to count on the support and advice that the national entity can provide.

The Secretary of Education also informed that the Ethno-educational Zonal Meetings will continue throughout this year, because what is wanted is to build processes in a concerted way, to achieve better results and that students are the most favored.

Press and Communications Office

District Education Secretariat


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