Fish production in the governorate amounts to 13 thousand tons annually »


Wasit – conscious
The Directorate of Agriculture in Wasit Governorate announced today, Friday, that fish production in the governorate has reached (13) thousand tons annually.

Deputy Director of Fisheries Resources in the Wasit Agriculture Directorate, Adnan Hussein, said in a special statement to the (INA), that “fish production in the governorate reached (13) thousand tons annually, and that Wasit Governorate possesses (198) clay fish ponds and (63) A pool of floating cages, as well as three closed fish farming projects, in addition to the water bodies represented by the Tigris River and the Dalmaj Marsh.”
He added, “The governorate has achieved self-sufficiency and exports all kinds of fish to the Iraqi governorates,” noting that “Wasit Governorate is ranked first among the governorates in fish production and is distinguished by the presence of different types of fish, including Caribbean, carp, and brown.”
For his part, agricultural engineer Haider Hussein Ibrahim indicated that “the Fisheries Department of the Wasit Agriculture Directorate opened the relevant departments, including the Wasit Police Command, in order to prevent overfishing operations,” noting that “the Fisheries Department coordinated with the relevant departments in order to prevent Throwing waste into the Tigris Basin to preserve fish wealth.”
It is noteworthy that Wasit Governorate is one of the most productive governorates for fish wealth due to the multiplicity of different species it produces, which places it at the forefront of fish-producing governorates.

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