Fisheries Commissioner European Union

by time news

2023-08-02 13:46:52

Virginijus Sinkevicius (Vilnius, 1990) accumulates, despite his youth, an intense career in the political, diplomatic or media fields. Minister of Economy and Innovation in his native Lithuania, He has been Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries since December 2019. His term expires next year. This interview was formulated in parallel to the informal Council of Fisheries Ministers held in Vigo, and was addressed in writing.

The consumption of fish and shellfish has fallen sharply in Spain. The VAT rate for fishery products is 10%. Is a tax cut a good option to reverse this trend? What other measures can be implemented?

According to the new system of VAT rates, in force since April 2022, Member States have the option of applying a full exemption to food products, including fishery products. That being said, recent experience has shown that VAT exemptions and reduced rates may not have the desired effect, as it is not always reflected in the final price paid by the consumer. The EU common market organization regulation empowers interested parties to adapt to the market to better meet demand. Producer organizations, through their production and marketing plans, can collectively promote the consumption of seafood. For example, with innovation, promotion or certification.

Is it possible to create a specific fund for the decarbonisation of the fishing fleet, in accordance with the huge amounts received, for example, by the automotive industry?

There is already a significant endowment of funds available within the European Union budget for research, innovation and investment. The EU is putting a lot of effort into research through the Horizon Europe programme. However, research is not enough and it must be transferred to innovation and, subsequently, translated into investment. Therefore, public support removes bottlenecks that hinder market acceptance, through targeted support at relevant stages of technology development (eg research, innovation, testing, investment). The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund [comúnmente conocido por sus siglas FEMPA] is one of the instruments available. You can finance a series of actions to support the energy transition of the fishing sector. For the vast majority of stocks, the fund rules are very flexible. For example: for feasibility studies on new technologies, energy efficiency audits, development, testing and trial of new technology, improvement of energy efficiency through better hydrodynamics, engine efficiency and alternative fuels.


However, for investments such as engine replacement, there are specific conditions to avoid unwanted harmful effects on marine resources. In fact, certain investments can improve the capacity of the fleet and allow it to fish longer, faster and further, hence the risks of overfishing. FEMPA is implemented by Member States through their national programme. We hope that you will make the most of the existing possibilities. In addition, other EU financing instruments are also available and the European Commission will present a financing guide before the end of 2023 to direct the sector towards the appropriate EU financing instruments.

Do you know of an alternative technology capable of allowing a ship to spend four months at sea?

The Commission is not aware of such technology. Some of the current zero-carbon and renewable alternatives still suffer from technical limitations for ships that require high autonomy, including those that spend several months at sea. However, the energy transition in the fishing sector does not happen overnight, but is a long-term process, towards 2050. Therefore, the European Commission suggests working on two lines of action. On the one hand, to strengthen energy efficiency in the short and medium term; on the other, focus on continuing to develop and adopt renewable and low-carbon alternatives. There are already many modifications, in fishing gear, motors and operability that can drastically reduce current energy consumption. In fact, taking into account the current barriers in these technologies, we must start now to develop and test, taking into account the specific needs of the different types of boats in the sector.

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1614 [vetó la pesca en aguas profundas en 87 zonas de aguas comunitarias] entered into force without a socioeconomic impact report. Don’t you think that goes against the principles of the European Union?

In 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for the implementation of the Deep Water Access Regulation, which was examined by the corresponding Committee, made up of representatives of all EU Member States, and which was adopted on September 15. No specific socio-economic impact report was produced prior to the adoption of this act as this legal act only implements the regulation of access to deep water, which benefited from a detailed impact assessment prior to its adoption. In addition, the procedure established for the adoption of this implementing act does not provide for a specific socio-economic impact assessment.

Don’t you think that it generates defenselessness in the fishing fleet?

The measure to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems from the impact of bottom gear was decided by the European Parliament and the Council, which includes all EU fisheries ministers, in 2016. The entry into force occurred in 2022, by This allowed time to adapt fishing operations and all Member States and stakeholders were given plenty of notice to prepare for this change. Since 2019, Member States and stakeholders have been invited to meetings of the scientists in charge of drafting the opinion, which was published in 2021. The Commission led a major outreach engagement. However, we are aware that some of the stakeholders would have preferred an even broader commitment. During 2023 we have continued to intensify our efforts to involve all stakeholders in the management of sensitive elements of the ecosystem, while we prepare the new scientific advice that updates the areas where vulnerable marine ecosystems are located or are likely to be located. [EMV, por sus siglas en inglés].

Is there any possibility that the Commission will reconsider its position on bottom longliners? There is no scientific data on their impact on the seabed but they are also affected by the regulation.

The Commission does not have a specific position on longliners and their impact. It has simply implemented the provisions of the deep water access regulation (EU) 2016/2336, which provides that, below 400 meters, all bottom gear is prohibited from operating within areas where vulnerable marine ecosystems are present.

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What would you say to those who accuse you of trying to eliminate trawling?

Which is simply not true. Nothing in the Action Plan, or in the fishing package, suggests this. On the contrary, we are proposing a dialogue to encourage fishermen to innovate to become more sustainable, precisely to guarantee their business and way of life also in the future, since they depend on ecosystems being in healthy conditions.

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