Fitball, with the gymnastic ball you burn calories and shape your shapes

by time news

Fitball, gymnastic ball exercises are ideal for shaping thighs and buttocks, straightening posture and having a flat stomach

Many Italians are forced home in quarantine or simply prefer to stay at home given the surge in infections due to the variant Omicron. So how to stay fit without going to the gym? In recent times, new forms of training are becoming popular starting from jump fitness until the fitball. The latter in particular provides exercises with a large gymnastic ball and allows you to train the central part of the body. Not only that, it also allows you to change the wrong posture,

With the fitball it works above all on the muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs and for this reason it is perfect for modeling shapes. Your abs are also involved and with a little exercise you can have a flat stomach. In addition, the fitball trains the hip flexors and pelvic muscles to straighten the back.

Fitball, how to use it and for how long

The gymnastic ball, also called gym ball or Swiss ball, was born in the 60s and 70s in Switzerland for orthopedic rehabilitation and then became a training tool after being perfected by the Italian Aqulino Cosani. The fitball they have a diameter from 55 up to 70 cm so before buying them make sure that your height allows you to sit on them placing your feet on the ground with your legs at right angles.

To start with the fitball a workout of 20 minutes a day is enough. We start with it squat, placing the ball between your back and the wall. Another very common exercise is the so-called ponte, which is performed with the feet on the ground with the legs bent up to the height of the knees while the head and shoulders are resting on the ball. Abdomen and gluei rise up to create a straight line.

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