Five associations of the Civil Guard lower their tone although they insist on the “breakdown” of the separation of powers

by time news

2023-11-11 13:17:01

Five associations of the Civil Guard, all of them with representation in the Council that articulates their demands to the Administration, have published a statement this Saturday in which they insist that the agreement between the PSOE and Junts represents a “breakdown” in the separation of powers, “basic pillar of a rule of law”. The statement, which regrets the consequences that the aforementioned agreement may have for the “security” of the Spanish people, avoids the tone of revolt against the executive power on which the Security Forces depend that was presented yesterday by Aprogc, an association composed mainly of officers, which She is already being investigated for having promised to “shed blood” against the concert between socialists and independentists.

The statement made public this Saturday is signed by Jucil, AEGC, Ases-GC, Union of Officers and Professional Association of Cabos. From the single signature, it is worth highlighting that the majority association in the Civil Guard Council, Jucil, appears, which inaugurated the change of course of the Ministry of the Interior regarding the tolerance that the department had been showing to the outbursts of some associations. The “felony” that they denounced by Pedro Sánchez after his intervention before the Federal Committee of the PSOE caused the General Directorate to send that tweet and others to the legal services of the armed institute in case disciplinary responsibilities arose.

Now, Jucil and the other four associations criticize the investigation commissions included in the PSOE-Junts agreement on possible cases of ‘lawfare’ or political instrumentalization of justice. They consider that it affects them because the civil guards work in judicial police functions – under the orders of the judges – and that this “attack on the waterline of judicial independence” also affects them.

“The civil guards feel that we are being used as a bargaining chip in the negotiations to form a Government and this will have serious permanent consequences for the security of citizens,” write Jucil and the other four associations. “The Civil Guard – they continue – was already losing influence and now it is intended that it lose powers and the civil guards and their families be expelled from the Basque Country and Catalonia, an issue that the representative associations are not willing to tolerate.”

The text of the agreement between PSOE and Junts does not address at any time the withdrawal of troops who still work in the aforementioned autonomous communities, which have transferred responsibilities in citizen security but which have the presence of the National Police and Civil Guard for investigative tasks. or port and border control.

The absence of AUGC

Another notable element of the signing of this statement is the absence of the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC), second in representation in the Council behind Jucil, at the hands of who lost hegemony in the 2021 elections. AUGC has always advocate for the demilitarization of the Civil Guard because it acts as a State Security Force and as a vehicle to improve the working conditions of the agents.

The statement from the other five associations adds: “We want to express that, having learned of the agreements signed between PSOE and the pro-independence forces for the investiture, we observe with great concern how they intend to inject significant financial amounts into the regional police forces, and subjects the Civil Guard to the loss of powers.

The associations close the statement citing the State Security Forces and Corps Law on the function of the Civil Guard, among other police forces: “Its function will be exercised with absolute respect for the Constitution and the rest of the legal system.” That same law establishes the duty of political “neutrality” in the exercise of the functions of police and civil guards.

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