Five days after the closing of the lists for the PASO: what each candidate adds and subtracts

by time news

2023-06-19 10:27:00

After months of speculation and polemics, there are finally five days left to find out the names that will fight for the candidacies for president and vice president in the PASO. While in Together for Change (JxC) everything seems to be heading towards an internship between Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta; In Unión por la Patria (UP, the former Frente de Todos) there are still doubts regarding the formula that Cristina Kirchner will choose to compete with Daniel Scioli.

Also read: Cristina Kirchner defined when she will announce her candidate: why the name of Kicillof is heard again

Within hours of the definition, the big questions that sound in the ruling party and opposition are what adds up and what remains for each possible candidate.

Edward “Wado” of Peter

Pedro’s “Wado” at the Unión por la Patria (UxP) society presentation (Photo: @wadodecorrido).

To his credit, the Minister of the Interior is loyal to Cristina Kirchner. In addition, although he is from the kidney of La Cámpora, Wado cultivates a dialogue profile that would allow him to attract some moderate votes. Pedro has, against him, a lower degree of knowledge than the rest of the names that sound like possible candidates for the UP, for which many warn about the high risk of a bad result, especially if there is an internal against Scioli. Aware of his weaknesses, De Pedro has been talking more and more with the governors of the PJ to add wills and avoid a flight towards sciolismo . Juan Manzur, of very good election in Tucumán and great influence in the rest of the provincial leaders of the north of the country, is one of those who leads the conversations.

Also read: After the closure of alliances, Scioli outlines a defensive strategy to contain the attacks of Kirchnerism

Sergio Massa

The Minister of Economy, in tune with CFK. (Photo: Ministry of Economy)

In his favor, the Minister of Economy has a high degree of knowledge and a traction of votes that many place close to the potential of Axel Kicillof. In addition, since he is not from CFK’s kidney, Massa could add moderate votes in the first round, especially if Bullrich wins the internal opposition and the libertarian Javier Milei positions himself as the third force. Against him, the Tigrense accumulates some economic data Negatives under his management. However, in the last few hours there was a small slowdown in the inflation index; and we must not rule out a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Axel Kicillof

The governor wants to continue in the Province, but he will do what Cristina asks. (Photo: NA)

In his favor, the Buenos Aires governor brings a high degree of knowledge, support in the suburbs and great traction of hard votes K. Those who propose his candidacy understand that it is not so important to unguard the Province and that Wado de Pedro could replace him without problems. Against him, the economist has a lot of rejection in anti-Kirchnerism. It is also known that he does not have the will to go for the Presidency, but rather he prefers to renew his mandate in the Province.

Also read: JxC would compete without unit lists in almost all provinces: the dangers for an army in Congress

Patricia Bullrich

Bullrich, leader of the “hawks” of the PRO. (Photo: NA)

The PRO presidential candidate is working on a formula in the midst of building lists and at least three names are on the horizon to accompany her in the race to the Casa Rosada. The head of the Buenos Aires UCR, Maximiliano Abad, a leader backed by Alfredo Cornejo ( Grupo Malbec) that provides its own structure and organization in 32 districts in the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires. However, Bullrich already measures well in that territory, so a formula with Abad would not bring him too many extra votes either. In any case, Abad would allow ordering the internship in those districts and winning it. Two other names that are in the race are Luis Naidenoff from Formosa and Luis Petri from Mendoza. Behind them are two highly visible economists who were surveyed by the former Minister of Security. One is Carlos Melconian, a former official of Mauricio Macri, who promoted him as a running mate of the referent of the PRO “hawks” and can add certainty in image and economic matters, but not too many votes. The other is Ricardo López Murphy, the pre-candidate for Buenos Aires head of government for the liberal branch of JxC, who is more widely known among voters.

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta

Larreta has been fully launched into the race for the presidency for months. (Photo: Reuters)

As in the case of Bullrich, Larreta’s formula would also be “crossed” with a radical. In this case, nothing less than the president of the party at the national level, Gerardo Morales. The head of government has been stretching the announcement and limited himself to saying at a press conference that there is still “a lack” to close the lists, which is why he has to time and that it will give “priority to someone from Together for Change”, without further details.
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