FIVE DAYS | BLOG RED : Sport Club Internacional

by time news

Between comings and goings only in Novo Hamburgo I lived about five times. For the longest time, close to two years, I lived in an old corner building, behind what was the old city hall at the time. There was a neighbor there whose name I don’t remember (in fact, I don’t even know if he told me) and he certainly lived on a floor below mine, which was the fourth and last. Stairs only.

We passed relatively often in the garage. His burgundy Fiat Uno with roof racks was opposite the white Corsinha I had at the time. On one of those many occasions, he took two large plastic boxes out of the trunk and I couldn’t help myself, asking what they were. He said that he liked to take vacations from time to time, always for periods of no longer than five days each. As he was fond of the bush and the depths of the field, he kept first-minute supplies in the boxes so that, at the slightest chance of a break, he could put everything in the car and travel further inland.

Some time later I came to believe (and agree with the neighbor) that those five days vacation, maybe six times a year, were more productive than a month in a row. It wasn’t difficult to conclude, after all, I never really managed to stay more than five days away from home. Five days to rest your mind is something very productive, and logical, believe me.

Well, after another misadventure at Internacional, this time for one of the ‘exponents’ of ‘thriving’ football in Alagoas, I remembered the next door neighbor: well, I need to start taking successive periods of vacation from Colorado during the season. Yes, the emotional wear and tear of supporting this team that borders on mediocre and presents boring football game after game is much greater than what professional activity provided me at that time. So I need to remedy even more now.

As a matter of fact, speaking of medicine, when, on the way back from the break, our coach came to put on another left winger, I thought about dropping the anxiolytic bottle that I always have with me at Inter matches. Out of prudence, I only had one, which was good, since the others I had to eat at the end of the game, after almost bleeding my eyes looking at that fruit and onion salad that turned the team and ended the game.

What a depressing bit. What did they do with our Internacional?

Five days seems like a good vacation with every new Colorado dud. But there looms a veiled incongruity: this has passed since the last game and, amazingly, we got worse. The consequences, at least in the minds of Colorada fans, are disastrous. Now, peace without games ends with increasingly ignoble performances. Ghastly. Depressive. Unspeakable.

That is, I end up with more doubts than I started, not knowing if my suggestion of the five days of vacation at Inter is really doing us any good. I have no doubts, however, about that statement: five more days is what Mano Menezes will last as our coach.

Long, but final days. And bye and blessing.


– The verses of the masterful Jayme Caetano Braum undeniably fit here: If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re not going anywhere.”;

– Carlos de Pena, admitted that he plays more as an attacking midfielder. And he showed some of that in the first half. Nothing justifies continuing to compromise behind the wheel;

– Had I known that Inter’s retirement plan is so much better than INPS’s, I would have worked in Colorado. Luiz Adriano is there to prove my wrong choice in life;

– I, who recently praised Mercado, come to the conclusion that we have a pair of defenders hitting heads;

– Decks certainly understand playing cards. As for the football game, I begin to have doubts;

– Jean Dias may not really have the stuff to play for Inter. But I really enjoyed your interview. Well articulated and aware of what he wants for himself. I’ll wait a bit and give a vote of confidence;

– In the two conquered Libertadores we had workers from the countryside football in the groups. If it were today, social networks would deprive us of good and honest values.

– In football, nothing is solved the day before. In the absence of quality, we cling to the mystique;

– When the “opposition”, finally, managed to assume the power of Internacional, they forgot to commit themselves precisely to what matters most in a football club: football! They are the main constituencies of others;

– They talked about delay in image rights. It cannot. But can the players damage the Club’s image on the pitch?


I repeat: what did they do with our Internacional?

It’s Colorada Nation, may the old man upstairs have mercy on us.

Happy Birthday Arthur! Boring Colorado that I helped forge. A great Colorado guy!


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