Five foods that help reduce intestinal bloating, according to science.

by time news

Bloating in the belly is a very uncomfortable sensation, but it is also very common. Often it is due to gas production in the intestine, which also produces symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal pain, malaise and tummy rumbling.

Fortunately, as the media picks up Know how to live, certain dietary adjustments can help prevent or alleviate this swelling. Therefore, it is important avoid foods that cause iteat often and in moderation instead of big binges more spaced in time, eat slowly, and incorporate certain types of food into our nutrition.

1. Fermented foods

Some studies have shown that the fermentation of the products produces a number of vitamins and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. Along with this, it is known that they have beneficial effects on the intestinal flora, which results in better digestion.

Therefore, we can benefit from eating things like yogurt, kefir, miso or sauerkrautfoods rich in lactic acid and other nutritional elements.

2. Certain aromatic herbs

Some aromatic herbs, such as oregano, sage, fennel, star anise, mint, tarragon or bay leaf have what is known as eupeptic action and carminative effect; they improve the production of gastric juices and decrease the production of gases, respectively. This logically manages to reduce abdominal swelling.

3. Fruit

Many fruits contain enzymes that break down certain parts of food, similar to gastric juices. For example, pineapple contains bromelain; figs ficina, papaya, papain; and the kiwi actinidia.


4. Cinnamon

Many scientific studies have given an account of the properties of the cinnamon, which among other things is capable of reducing the production of gases in the intestine. Therefore, it is ideal to add it to desserts, drinks or as an infusion.

5. Ginger

Las medicinal properties of ginger root they have been known for many centuries by many different cultures around the world, which have incorporated them into their culinary traditions. It is anti-inflammatory and stimulates digestion, which improves the symptoms of abdominal swelling.

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