Five fundamental keys to slow down aging

by time news

slow down aging It has been, since the beginning of time, an obsession for the human being and, for cosmetic brands, its greatest challenge.

Stress, diseases, the sun, pollution and, of course, the oxidation of our own body, are factors that favor aging. However,

However the Daily Mail offered in a report a series of data -already collected and published by this newspaper-, according to which in 2015, the world was home to more than 450,000 centenarians, more than four times as many as in 1990. And they suggest that there will be 3.7 million people centenarians around the world in 2050. How is this possible?

Every time we are more, That is a fact. According to the INE: “The total number of people registered in the Continuous Register in Spain as of January 1, 2022 is 47,435,597 inhabitants, according to the Advance Statistics of the Continuous Register. This figure represents an increase of 50,490 people (a + 0.1%) compared to the data as of January 1, 2021”.

Stress and pollution as a factor of aging

Stress is nothing more than the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. Learning to manage stress is essential.

“In small episodes, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts a long time, it can harm your health,” they warn from the MedlinePlus Library of Medicine.

Some of the effects of poorly managed stress are high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, obesity, depression or anxiety, and skin problems, such as acne or eczema. All of them promote aging.

Surely the sound of the waves will help you concentrate.  Along with fresh air and a different environment, the activity will be unforgettable.
Surely the sound of the waves will help you concentrate. Along with fresh air and a different environment, the activity will be unforgettable.

It is estimated that in 2019 the air pollution (external) environment caused worldwide 4.2 million premature deaths, according to the OCU. So, complying with policies to reduce pollution (not only by institutions) is essential.

The more ‘pure’ the air, the better to avoid respiratory illnesses —among others—, and prevent aging.

Taking a nap doesn’t seem like a bad option: stress is kept at bay, which causes a strong immune system and —in addition— it doesn’t pollute.

Antioxidants are in

Vitamin K has become fashionable. And it is that food -as in everything- also influences aging. Increasing the intake of vitamin K helps with the reduction of osteoporosis and calcification of the vessels and we can find it in green vegetables: spinach, chard, kale, etc.

It is rich in omega 3 and has antioxidant properties, so it helps us fight aging and rapid deterioration of health.  It is highly recommended to eat it frequently.
It is rich in omega 3 and has antioxidant properties, so it helps us fight aging and rapid deterioration of health. It is highly recommended to eat it frequently.

According to the study Antioxidants: current perspective for human health, the other products with antioxidants are:

  • Vitamin E: avocado, olive oil, brown rice, nuts
  • Vitamin C: Swiss chard, tomatoes (lycopene), all citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine), plus kiwi, strawberry, guava…
  • With p-carotene: carrot, spinach, mango, melon;
  • With flavonoids: green tea, wine, apple, or pears.

In addition, there are antioxidants in condiments and drinks such as: garlic, onion, ginseng, ginko, oats, mint, mint, basil, etc.

psychological aging

A good mental health It is essential for good aging. A goal in life, that’s what you have to have. That your life has meaning and you feel useful is the best way to feel good about yourself and, therefore, also your body.

Do not think that you are aging, in fact, it is worse. According to the study Personal Understanding of Life and Social Experiences (PULSE) from OSU, thinking you’re getting older ends up having a major impact on your physical health.

An international team of American and Chinese researchers led by Deep Longevity conducted a study —published in the Aging-US magazine— according to which they concluded that be alone and not happy accelerates aging more than smoking

Take care and exercise

Retinol is a cell regeneration accelerator and a collagen producer to treat signs of agingthe texture and quality of the skin and the appearance of the pores.

“UVA rays are responsible for tanning and also wrinkles and other signs of premature aging, while UVB rays cause sunburn and skin cancer. UVA rays can pass through clouds and glass and are present year-round, so it is recommended to use sun protection daily”, warn from the Eucerin team.

In addition to facial care, it is essential to always have a moisturizing and firming milk on hand for the rest of the body and a good sunscreen to combat the UVA rays of the sun that cause sunburn. premature skin aging.

An older mother with her son.

Retinol to care for the skin. And to take care of the mind? The friends. The personal relationships They help prevent loneliness and, furthermore, if they help you get rid of laziness to do physical exercise such as walking, swimming or yoga, for example, all the better.

The genetic factor

As Pau Donés would say, “everything depends”. And it is that the genetic factor is also a determining factor in late aging and the only one that (for the moment) we can’t control. In fact, there are already studies that indicate the territorial areas of Spain where people live the longest: the so-called Blue Zonesareas of the world where people live the longest lives, consistently reaching the age of 100.

A grandfather with his grandson
An old woman with a baby

Despite recent advances in molecular biology and genetics, the mysteries that control human life remain uncertain. Much remains to be understood about the aging process: “Currently aging is seen as one of the more complex biological processes which is also multifactorial and leads to increased vulnerability and frailty, and to date, at least in humans, is not stopped or reversed,” the study says. Aging: some genetic, epigenetic and environmental theories and considerations.


Marta Coronado H. Salvador Vega and León Rey Gutiérrez T. Marcela Vázquez F. Claudia Radilla V. Antioxidants: present perspective for the human health.

Maria Guadalupe Rico-Rosillo, Diego Oliva-Rico, and Gloria Bertha Vega-Oak. Aging: some genetic, epigenetic and environmental theories and considerations. Faculty of Medicine- Rev Med Inst Mex Insurance Soc. 2018;56(3):287-94

Photoaging – And how to prevent it. Consulted: on 04/04/2023

Fedor Galkin, Kirill Kochetov, Diana Koldasbayeva, Manuel faria, Helene H. Fung, Amber X. Chen, Alex Zhavoronkov. Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults. Aging-Us (2022). Consultado online en el 04/04/2023

Library of Medicine (US) Stress and your health. Published in MedlinePlus in Spanish. English version reviewed by: Fred K. Berger, MD. Last revision 4/30/2022 Available: Accessed 04/03/2023

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