Five injured in a road accident in the north, a 19-year-old evacuated by helicopter

by time news

Five people were recently injured (Friday) in a car accident on Route 888 from Ness to the north. MDA medics and paramedics, with the help of an IDF medical force, provided them with medical treatment and evacuated them to hospitals.

Among the wounded, a 19-year-old man in critical condition with a head injury and conscious was evacuated by MDA helicopter to Rambam Hospital in Haifa and four wounded in moderate and light condition were evacuated to Ziv Hospital in Safed.

Harel Stern and Yehezkel Rosenbaum, medics at the Rescue Union, said: “This is a 25-year-old electric scooter rider who was injured in an accident scene involving a private vehicle, we provided her with first aid and then she was evacuated in an intensive care unit with a head injury.

Examiners of the Traffic Division of the Israel Police are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

Photo: Rescue Union spokeswoman
Five injured in a road accident in the north, a 19-year-old evacuated by helicopter
Photo: Rescue Union spokeswoman
Photo: Anthony Hershko

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