Five orphans in a crowded apartment cried out for help

by time news
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They were a happy family, one who lived a life of sorrow but labored in the Torah, the father of the family was a blessing from above and above and the mother raised their children with immense devotion. Despite the many hardships they persevered in an innocent belief in the Creator of all worlds and strengthened their children and family members in the importance of this belief.

About two years ago, their world was destroyed. The mother was not feeling well and after extensive tests it was discovered that she was ill in a serious ward. For a time she underwent complex treatments and finally she completely recovered by the grace of heaven. That day they were no happier than the family – the tender children who finally had a healthy and whole mother.

The sad poor beg for help >>

She recently contracted the corona virus, which again triggered the disease from which she had previously suffered. They turned to the best doctors but after a few weeks she returned her soul to its creator, leaving behind a broken and broken family, they have no consolation.

Now, with no choice and immense discomfort, the father of the family comes out and asks in tears that we reach out to him for help. He lives alone with his five tender children in a rented two-room apartment. The situation at home is very bad, he has no penny to pay for the rent, he has no penny to pay for treatments for children who are in a difficult situation since the death of their beloved mother.

When we look at the fallen face of the Father we must not ignore. Just not allowed. Look again at the sad eyes, the trembling lips and realize that we must be there for them. To help orphans, to help a family that will not collapse. Donate now and you will get to see great salvations.

The sad poor obligate us to support the family >>

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