Five things you should never do when decorating a bathroom

by time news

2023-07-31 05:00:27

Although it may seem simple, decorating the bathroom at home is not an easy task at all. It is that it goes beyond the mere selection of elements, materials and colors. It is a matter of attitude, commitment and care in every detail.

Grupo Edisur tells you what the most common errors are so that you can identify them, learn from them and discover the best solutions or alternatives.

Don’t let laziness win!

It is important to remember that the bathroom is an intimate and personal space that deserves our attention and care. Laziness to keep the space tidy and clean can affect our mood and the experience of those who enter.

A place for everything and everything in its place. This maxim will lead you to create storage areas, optimize them and add organizers to the furniture to maintain order for a long time.

Beware of bathtubs in small bathrooms!

Having a bathtub is a luxury that not all of us can afford, mainly because it depends a lot on the size of the bathroom.

When the square meters are few, it is much more practical and functional to install a shower. It makes better use of the available space and offers more freedom of movement. Now there are many alternatives: ceiling, Scottish, with hydromassage, etc.

You have to create storage areas, optimize them and add organizers to the furniture to maintain order for a long time. Freepik.

Prioritizing aesthetics and visual appearance over bathroom functionality and comfort, using impractical items just for their looks, is a key mistake to avoid. The ideal is to look for pieces that, in addition to being beautiful, have a utility and adjust to your needs and those of your family.

Not all that glitters is gold

It is very common to want the expensive materials that we see in other people’s bathrooms or in magazines. However, in addition to generating extra expense that could possibly be supplanted by more effective options, these items may require more intensive maintenance in the long run.

Better opt for durable and easy-to-maintain alternatives that allow you to enjoy a beautiful space without worrying about excessive expenses.

Do not compare yourself with others! Each person has their own tastes and preferences. Focus on creating an environment that reflects your personality and unique style.

Don’t let gluttony win!

You do not want to join all the trends that have and will be. They are temporary and they will make you fill your bathroom with a series of objects that may not combine with each other.

Think that everything you add has to be useful for this room and that it alters its harmony as little as possible.

Five things you should never do when decorating a bathroom

Instead of blindly following all the decorating trends, take the time to discover your own style and preferences. Consider what colors, materials, and designs make you feel most comfortable with yourself.

#DatoEdisur: How to distribute a small bathroom to gain space.

#decorating #bathroom

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