Five tips to address doubts and questions about sexual health with your children

by time news

According to the latest studies, sexual relations begin on average at 13 years in Spain. This early initiation, according to experts, can cause doubts and ignorance in young people “who are conditioned, in many cases, by the desire to abandon childhood and become adults,” he explains. Javier Urraclinical director of Recurra-Ginso.

The expert reflects on the affective sexuality in adolescents – sexual relationships where love, mutual respect, empathy and communication predominate – and warns that currently “this type of relationship is a challenge for many adolescents, who experience sexuality as a challenge, full of fears, stereotypes and clichés.

According to Urra, there are several factors that significantly influence the sexual health of adolescents. The main risk is the continuous consumption of violent pornography, “since this type of content promotes sexual practices that are far removed from reality, inciting narcissistic, macho, and gregarious behavior.”

Another difficulty that many young people encounter is the difference in meaning that sex can have for each individual, “being something punctual for some, and for others, a relational commitment.” For the expert, this type of perception can condition future sexual intercourse Therefore, prior communication between young people is important, so that the expectations of each one are expressed.

On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption, failure to use condoms (which can cause unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases) and the use of new technologies to send body images also have a direct impact on the sexual health of the population. infanto-juvenile. “Young people must understand that it is not necessary to accelerate certain behaviors and that it is important to differentiate between sex and love, although they can go together. A healthy sexuality implies respecting the privacy of each person and emphasizing human values ​​and virtues, as opposed to instinctive behaviors”, analyzes Javier Urra.

Teenagers with cell phones.

Keys to talking about sexual health with children

The expert offers a series of tips to promote communication between parents and children when addressing sexual health issues:

– Be receptive to talk about this issue.

– Talk about it in a natural, attractive way and as an act that has allowed the human species to reproduce.

– Know the information on sexuality that is taught in the minor’s school, so that the knowledge of the children on this subject is taken into account.

– Turn to external resources to be informed about sexual health and solve the main doubts before speaking with them. For example, educational centers, the reference doctor, mental health centers or online pages of the State or the autonomous communities.

– And lastly, to transmit values ​​of empathy and respect to create a good foundation in young people.

“The most important values ​​that must be communicated to minors before they start their sexual relations are the I respectthe privacy and the ability to love. It is essential to educate children in individual responsibility and non-possession, so that they enjoy their relationships and do not force situations that they are not capable of facing and managing”, concludes Urra.

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