Fixing the organic structures of the General Secretariat for People living with disabilities – acpcongo

by time news

Kinshasa, 08 mars 2023 (ACP).- Experts from the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Persons Living with Disabilities and those from the ministries involved will set organic structures and the repository of jobs and skills, during a workshop whose work was launched on Tuesday at Caritas Congo, in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“The development of this document comes after the signing of the framework and organic structures by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Public Service, Modernization and Innovation of the Public Service to define the skills and jobs in relation to the profile of people who will work in this administration of services and trades”, declared, at the opening of this workshop, Mrs Irène Esambo Diata, Minister Delegate in charge of people living with disabilities and other vulnerable people.

The social inclusion of people with disabilities in the DRC must be a reality according to the vision of the Head of State Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo who would like the DRC to be among the countries that respond to the United Nations principle of “leaving no one behind”. . To succeed in this bet, we have come to define the jobs and skills in relation to the people who must work in this administration of services and trades,” continued Mrs. Irène Esambo.

“This administration that we want to create at the Ministry of Persons Living with Disabilities will serve as a model to further reaffirm the principle of leaving no one behind so that the profile is clearly defined to facilitate recruitment”, insisted Minister Esambo, considering that the handicap cannot become a factor of exclusion but that it is included/understood in the direction of the diversity of the richnesses in our country.

The Coordinator of the Public Administration Reform Implementation Unit (CMRAP), Gilbert Mayi also stressed that the document being prepared is worth its weight in gold at a time when reform and modernization of the public administration wishes to rationalize even the functions and qualifiers of which 4102 positions are to be promoted in the final document, an annex to the Ministerial Order already signed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Public Service establishing the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Persons Living with Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Persons. ACP/

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