“Flood” on Netflix corrects an injustice to the hegemony slandered by Avishai Ben Haim

by time news

“HIGH WATER”, Netflix

Surprisingly, “Flood” is a series that corrects an injustice that has been done for years to the slandered hegemony by Avishai Ben Haim. And it’s clear why. These days you will have a hard time finding any public event – say a state ceremony or a football game for example – that requires, say, the singing of the national anthem, in which the singer is not, say, Moshe Peretz, but, say, Ilanit.

Israel called “the first” Eliba Davan Haim, in the name of that well-known ancient injustice, was pushed to the margins. lost its hegemony and became only a deputy. In every field: in the movies, the criminal speaks in H and A; In the second Israeli music – even if the text is worse than horrifying – the song immediately bursts into the list of playlists. Just for a joke, Poles are still allowed to enter.

And so, strangely, even though “Flood” is a series based on a real disaster that happened in Poland in 1997, there is something heartwarming about it. Something that reminds – at least to some of us – of Grandpa’s house: the ragged suit they also went to the bathroom with, the gray hat, the manners – to kiss the lady’s hand, before of course they stuck the knives in each other, the family accounting for many years later, the sparse furniture, and Grandpa saying to Grandma “Dobz” E”, which means fine. Those were the days.

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“Flood” is an excellent six-episode drama series that describes the days before the rise in the level of the Oder River, on the banks of which the city of Wrocław is located, the evasion of the politicians and the escape from responsibility in the question of whether to blow up batteries in sparsely populated plains to prevent the disaster of flooding the city – an action that was not done in the end, Wroclaw became one huge lake that resulted in the death of dozens and damages in many billions.

The series uses authentic footage from the flooded city and a set built for the current footage. The water was not spared there, and the result is nothing less than impressive and gives the viewer a real sense of disaster. The figures are properly made, properly dressed and properly acted and look like they just sat down for a Shabbat dinner in my extended family. You can almost smell the Tsimas and Popiklach, even if Avishai Ben Haim doesn’t like it. Couscous lovers will also enjoy it. not to miss

see or give up: See. Completely. There are still a few bullets left in the cartridge of Israel the First.

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