Florence, 48 hours of night & day shooting for the Italian Academy: the fashion film in new locations

by time news

Never before has fashion film been used to replace or supplement physical catwalks. Not only the brands also the fashion schools have wanted to experiment with these productions. The latest Italian Academy, an Institute of Higher Education active since 1984 to carry out its first fashion film which set in Florence will see its first take on Friday 28 May. The film is directed by Mirror Production, a Florentine creative studio that collaborates with brands of the caliber of Nike and Bottega Veneta, while the protagonists are the outfits designed and created by the students of the Fashion Design course of the Italian Academy, worn by 10 professional dancers. of the Opus Ballet Company, directed by the choreographer and dancer Jari Boldrini. 36 collections the collections that you think, designed and sewn by the students during the last year of studies,

with the creative supervision of Marco De ‘Micheli, department head of the degree course, and the tailoring of Cecilia Rinaldi, teacher of tailoring and samples, they will tell the worlds and trends of nature, sartorialist, street, geometry. Two days are scheduled for filming. (May 28 and 29) which will have gigantic trees and symbolic places of the Renaissance as a set, but also the refectory of Santa Maria Novella, the Bobolino Park, and the horned tree, one of the monumental plants placed under protection by ” Department of the Environment of the Municipality of Florence, up to entering one of the two locations of the school, the one on Lungarno alle Grazie, which enjoys a terrace overlooking the rooftops of Florence.

May 20, 2021 | 16:10



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