Florence Hardouin seizes the Defender of Rights to challenge the disciplinary procedure against her

by time news

The French Football Federation (FFF) is undergoing a new shock. According to information from Mondethe director general of the FFF, Florence Hardouin, laid off as a precaution since January 11, seized, Monday, February 20, the Defender of Rights, while she is under threat of dismissal for serious misconduct. “We contacted the Defender of Rights to have the FFF obstruct the whistleblower status of Mr.me Hardouin »explain his lawyers, Margaux Mathieu and Hervé Temime.

In their observations sent on February 13 to the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGESR), as part of the audit carried out at the FFF since October 2022, Mme Mathieu and Mr. Temime explained, in essence, that Mr.me Hardouin would have been the victim, for several years, of alleged acts of moral and sexual harassment on the part of the president of the “3F”, Noël Le Graët. He denies these allegations. Targeted by an investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office for moral and sexual harassment, Mr. Le Graët could announce his resignation at the next meeting of the executive committee of the FFF, on February 28.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Crisis at the FFF: the National Ethics Council asks Noël Le Graët to resign “as soon as possible”

The lawyers of M.me Hardouin denounced to the IGESR the “Demeaning, humiliating and sexist remarks by Mr. Le Graët, his sexist or sexual insults, his repeated comments on his physique, but also his inappropriate and intimidating behavior, often linked to excessive alcoholism (…)but also multiple more than inappropriate dinner invitations and recurring questions about his intimate and private life..

“Whistleblower status”

« En substance, Mme Hardouin being an employee of the FFF [depuis 2008]the fact that she has reported acts of harassment, criminally reprehensible, in the context of the performance of her employment contract gives her the status of whistleblower, in accordance with Articles L.1152-2 and L.1153 -2 of the labor codedevelop Margaux Mathieu and Hervé Temime. The disciplinary procedure initiated by his employer, following this denunciation, and in retaliation, is illegal. »

Director General of the FFF since 2013, in conflict with her superior, Mme Hardouin believes that his layoff is the consequence of the content of his hearing, on January 10, by the inspectors of the IGESR. The Hardouin camp ensures that, that day, the director general would have, in addition to the alleged actions of Mr. Le Graët, mentioned “a context of widespread sexual violence at the FFF”.

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