Florence, the theatrical show in streaming interpreted by inmates

by time news

It is called “One Man Jail: the prisons of the mind” and the show that uses new digital resources for a theater project in prison, premiered on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 January, 9 pm, at the Florida Shipyard Theater. Proposed and produced by Compagnia Interazioni Elementari, directed by Claudio Suzzi, the show, thanks to live streaming, will materialize on stage in real time the young actors inmates of the Meucci Penal Institute. The story is that of Frank Petroletti – played by the actor Filippo Frittelli – comedian who, at the height of his success, is arrested and jailed. Inside the prison, in front of an audience of hostile and disinterested inmates, he prepares to perform his latest performance. The show, caustic and bizarre, will lead him to face his fears and the thoughts that really keep him prisoner, to free himself from the characters that crowd his mind, to reach an “elsewhere” perhaps less reassuring than what one would have him believe.

The show is part of the “Streaming theater: a bridge between prison and the city” project, an educational path to show and performance professions through the use of digital technologies, which aims to fill two basic needs of those who live the juvenile detention institution: establishing a link with the external community and obtaining job training, capable of opening future prospects for young prisoners, starting from the period of stay in prison. The main objective is not only to involve the young prisoners of Meucci, but also and above all to raise awareness in the community outside. “We work so that young people are hired as actors – explains director Claudio Suzzi – paid as show business workers. For this reason, it will be essential to distribute the show “One Man Jail: the prisons of the mind” in order to make it circulate as much as possible in the theaters of the Tuscany Region and the national circuit, a goal that is now possible thanks to the new live connection mode on which production base “.

December 27, 2021 | 16:02

© Time.News


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