Flu epidemic in the country, but low intensity

by time news

There is a flu epidemic in our country for the first time after two years without flu, confirms virologist Steven Van Gucht based on Sciensano’s figures. But the intensity of the epidemic is lower than in the years before the corona pandemic.

In recent weeks there has been a continuous increase in the number of Belgians who visit his doctor with flu-like symptoms. The trend is still increasing.

According to Sciensano, we can therefore speak of “an epidemic onset, but with a rather low activity”, according to Van Gucht. “That’s the first time in two years.”

He refers to phasing out the corona measures. The flu virus is less contagious than the coronavirus, so those measures were very helpful in stopping the circulation of the flu virus.

The flu epidemic is now also a lot later than usual. In normal years, the epidemic starts in January or February and can last six to 12 weeks.

“This year it will be later. But that will also help us, normally the flu will be over by Easter,” says Van Gucht. He called on Thursday to remain cautious, “because we have an atypical year. Although I do expect a shorter flu season”.

In the past week, on average, GPs visited 445 people with flu-like symptoms per 100,000 inhabitants. It also includes people infected with the coronavirus.

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