Flu epidemic not over yet, number of confirmed cases is even increasing

by time news


The flu epidemic is not over yet. The incidence of GP consultations for confirmed flu even increased slightly over the past week – from 13 to 19 February. This is evident from the weekly flu report of health institute Sciensano.

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The weekly incidence of GP consultations for confirmed flu infection rose to 155 consultations per 100,000 inhabitants. That is still above the epidemic threshold of 52 consultations per 100,000 inhabitants, says Sciensano. A week earlier, the incidence was 110/100,000.

The peak during the current flu season for confirmed flu infections dates from the end of last year, with 424 consultations per 100,000 inhabitants.

The number of people who consulted a GP for flu-like symptoms also increased slightly last week (465/100,000). The number of hospital admissions for flu remained stable last week (0.7 in 100,000).

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