Foggia, the new sweepers of Amiu Puglia presented for the improvement of the hygiene service

by time news

Compact size, ⁢three brushes, a waste container with a capacity of 5 cubic meters, a water tank capable of holding 700 liters, and a‌ street cleaning facilitator system equipped with an upper and lateral water jet ​lance.

These are just some⁤ of the main innovative features of the seven street sweepers ​presented this morning to the city alongside Mayor Maria Aida ​Episcopo, councilors for the environment⁢ and public companies Lucia Aprile and Davide Emanuele, president of Amiu Puglia Antonella Lomoro, and General Manager Antonello Antonicelli.

With the arrival of these​ seven latest-generation sweepers, Amiu Puglia inaugurates a renewal phase for its fleet in the Foggia Operating Unit. This initial investment amounts to⁢ approximately ‌one million⁣ euros​ in compliance with the provisions outlined in​ the​ Industrial Plan. In ⁢September, an additional 26 vehicles will arrive,⁢ including compactors and porters primarily intended for separate waste‍ collection.

“In recent months,” says Mayor Episcopo, “we have finally initiated separate collection for non-domestic users. We have replaced bins and conducted ⁣publicity campaigns—such ⁣as those featuring glass bells—and provided containers for dog waste as well as cigarette butt⁣ collectors. In short, ‍our administration’s commitment alongside Amiu Puglia is tangible. Today we celebrate another ​achievement that ⁢I believe ‌marks a new phase: one where⁣ our city ⁢becomes increasingly cleaner⁣ thanks to this new quality standard.”

Innovative technology is the strong point of these ⁢seven ⁤sweepers that citizens ‌will see ⁢operating on the streets of Foggia starting today.⁣ The installed​ motorization is among the most‌ ecological available on ⁢the market; ⁤thanks to ⁣its body capacity, each ⁤sweeper⁢ boasts great autonomy by being​ able to ⁢collect substantial amounts of waste.

“We selected these sweepers,” explains Amiu Puglia ‌president Antonella Lomoro, “by seeking innovation in terms ⁢of effectiveness ⁤and efficiency​ to enhance street and sidewalk sweeping services. To achieve our ⁤goals ‍outlined in the Industrial Plan we need citizens’ collaboration because protecting our city requires continuous effort. Amiu Puglia strongly⁢ relies on each citizen’s civic sense to strengthen results.”

Priority⁢ has also been given to ensuring safety⁣ at work for employees: The cabin has been designed to provide operators with a comfortable ergonomic working environment characterized ⁤by extremely⁣ low noise levels and ⁣unparalleled visibility from a windscreen ‍that extends from ‌floor to roof.

“In addition to these vehicles arriving,” adds environmental councilor Lucia Aprile, “we must​ also ⁣highlight hiring eight full-time​ drivers ​who will‌ be dedicated solely to ​this service. Soon we ⁣will also be able to count⁤ on other types of vehicles that will complete our fleet. These are‍ results that make us particularly happy because they will lead noticeable improvements throughout​ our city.⁢ After all, we had older vehicles that did not meet large-city needs; with these upgrades certainly there‍ will be ‍palpable changes.”

The sweepers feature ⁣a flexible sweeping system designed so their sweeping group ensures ⁢thorough cleaning ‌under various⁢ conditions ‍while maintaining excellent suction performance at ‍high speeds. The inclusion of a third brush allows coverage ⁤over larger surfaces⁢ up to 3.5 meters wide while simultaneously sweeping both roadways ⁤and sidewalks.

“Our project for a ​greener Foggia,” concludes public​ companies councilor Davide Emanuele, ⁤”is taking shape—one that’s cleaner and more aligned with modern standards. Today ‌we present innovative tools for hygiene activities which⁣ guarantee continuous street cleaning services thereby​ enhancing livability for all residents.”

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