“Folic Acid Deficiency: Symptoms, Importance, and Natural Suppliers of Vitamin B9, Daily Requirements, and Treatment for Anemia, Fatigue, and Birth Defects in Pregnant Women”

by time news

2023-04-25 16:04:00

  • symptoms with a folic acid deficiency
  • Why is folic acid so important?
  • daily requirement of folic acid
  • natural folic acid suppliers

Folic acid will too Vitamin B9 called. In your body, it ensures, among other things, the growth of cells. We will inform you about them effect of folic acidlike you one notice a deficiency and how you this prevent can.

Symptoms and treatment of folic acid deficiency

Die Nationale consumption study II, which was carried out by the Max Rubner Institute between November 2005 and January 2007 showed: A large proportion of adults does not reach the recommended daily intake of folic acid. Consumption study III is currently being worked on, so that it can probably be published in 2025. What happens with a lack of folic acid?

If too little of the vitamin is absorbed over the long term, it can Disorders in the formation of blood cells as well as problems with DNA synthesis, cell division and digestion. A folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can lead to serious damage and deformities in the fetus lead, for example neural tube defects (spina bifida or “spina bifida”) and cleft palate and jaw. MSD Manual According to this, typical symptoms that can appear with a deficiency are Anemia with tiredness, paleness, irritability, shortness of breath and dizziness. Also, one could sore tonguea restricted one sense of taste, diarrhea, depression, confusion and dementia appear as symptoms.

The daily requirement of folic acid in healthy and non-pregnant people can be increased by a healthy and balanced diet be covered. However, if you recognize symptoms of a deficiency in yourself, you should definitely have the suspicion clarified by a doctor first. A blood test can then be used to diagnose it. The deficiency can then usually be corrected with the help of dietary supplements be counteracted. It is best not to take folic acid tablets without medical advice. Important: The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment advises, daily no more than 200 µg folic acid taken daily through dietary supplements. This applies to people aged 15 and over. An oversupply of folic acid can also have harmful effects.

Effect of folic acid and daily requirement

As part of the group of B vitamins is folic acid water soluble and can not produced by the body itself become. For this reason, it is important that the daily requirement of folic acid is covered by food or tablets, provided that this is agreed by a doctor. The vitamin is in his natural state of folate called while the synthetic form of folic acid is called. The According to the German Society for Nutrition The following applies: 1 microgram of folate equivalent corresponds to 1 microgram of dietary folate or 0.5 microgram of folic acid. Industrially produced folic acid can be used almost entirely by our body and is usually more stable than natural folate.

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Folic acid is involved in many different processes in our body. Among other things, it plays an important role in Maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. You’ve probably heard before that folic acid is particularly important for pregnant women. In addition, the vitamin B6 contributes to Amino acid synthesis, blood formation and homocysteine ​​metabolism at. The normal psychological function and that of the immune system are maintained, among other things, by folic acid. In addition, the vitamin plays a crucial role in cell division and reduction of fatigue.

How much folic acid you need per day depends largely on your own lifestyle. The German Society for Nutrition recommends the following reference values:

  • baby from 0 to under 4 months: 60 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Babies from 4 to under 12 months: 80 μg folate equivalent per day
  • children and young people from 1 to under 4 years: 120 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Children and adolescents from 4 to under 7 years: 140 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Children and adolescents from 7 to under 10 years: 180 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Children and adolescents from 10 to under 13 years: 240 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Children and adolescents from 13 to under 15 years: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Children and adolescents from 15 to under 19 years: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Adult from 19 to under 25 years: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Adults from 25 to under 51 years: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Adults from 51 to under 65 years: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Adults 65 years and older: 300 μg folate equivalent per day
  • Pregnant women: 550 μg folate equivalent per day
  • breastfeeding: 450 μg folate equivalent per day

folic acid suppliers

As a healthy and non-pregnant person, you can usually cover your folic acid requirement if you foods containing folic acid daily into your diet and eat a generally healthy and balanced diet. It is considered a particularly good source of folate green vegetables. This includes, for example, spinach, salads and leafy greens. Also have Tomatoes, legumesnuts and oranges a lot of folic acid. You can also eat a folate-rich diet Sprouts, wheat germ, whole grains, potatoes, liver and eggs install.

If you have difficulties putting together an appropriate menu on this basis, the German Society for Nutrition a clue. she introduces you three sample tables available, which represent a diet with which the daily requirement can be covered. You could use these as a guide.

An undersupply of folic acid is particularly problematic at the beginning of pregnancy. From the DGE will therefore women who want or could become pregnant, in addition to a folate-rich diet, are advised to take around 400 μg of synthetic folic acid per day or equivalent doses of other folates in the form of a supplement. Taking a folic acid or folate supplement should begin at least 4 weeks before the onset of pregnancy and continue through the first trimester of pregnancy.

Conclusion: Pregnant women should prevent folic acid deficiency

Especially pregnant people should ensure that they meet their vitamin B9 requirements. As a healthy and non-pregnant person, the daily requirement can usually be covered by a healthy and balanced diet. If you notice possible symptoms of a folic acid deficiency, you should definitely have one Consult a doctor or nurse. They can advise you individually and recommend a dietary supplement if required. Folic acid or folate preparations should not be taken without medical advice.

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