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by time news

Elisabeth Borne will present Tuesday, January 10, around 5:30 p.m., the precise content of the pension reform project desired by Emmanuel Macron. During a press conference, the Prime Minister could, according to several interlocutors, propose a postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 years, after having considered 65 years.

But both workers and unions disapprove of this measure, promising a strong mobilization. More than two thirds of French people (68%) are against postponing the legal age, even at 64, according to an IFOP-Fiducial survey. “There will be no deal with the CFDT”, has already warned its secretary general, Laurent Berger, specifying: “We will do everything to make the government back down. For the boss of Force Ouvrière, Frédéric Souillot: “If Emmanuel Macron wants to make it his mother of reforms (…), for us it will be the mother of battles. »

After her press conference, Elisabeth Borne will be the guest of the “20 hours” of France 2, then she will answer questions from the public on the Franceinfo channel.

Read all our content on pension reform

Decoders. Questions to understand the contours and challenges of the reform

Analyse. Postponement of the legal age, the only option to “save” the pay-as-you-go system?

Decryptions. The unions, united, “prepare for mobilization”

Editorial. Pension reform: a necessary flexibility

Chronic. Thomas Piketty: “With his pension reform, will Emmanuel Macron again be in the wrong era by illustrating himself as president of the rich? »

Narrative. The government’s failed battle with public opinion

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