Follow the Conference live The People’s Morning of the president Claudia Sheinbaum from Palacio National.
Morning of the Town this January 3
- The morning of the people begins and the president of Mexico points out that this Friday there will be Iván Escalante, who will explain the price of gasoline, Edgar Amador Zamora and Jesús Ramírez, who will talk about the forums of the national development plan
- Sheinbaum recalled that he met Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, coordinator of Advisors to the Presidency, and Edgar Amador Zamora, Undersecretary of the Treasury since 1986 in the University Student Council movement, which indicated that this movement was created to combat increases in tuition fees. the UNAM, this with the central argument “education is not a commodity for which one must pay, and even less so when it is public.”
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Gasoline price
The head of Profeco presented the “price evolution” of regular gasoline from the six-year term of Felipe Calderón to the present day.
- Felipe Calderon
The price of gasoline went from $14.75 to $18.10, which meant an increase of 22.9% - Enrique Pena Nieto
The price of gasoline was from $18.10 to $26.01 (famous gasoline prices)
The increase was 42.8%
Sexenio AMLO y Sheinbaum
- Andrés Manuel López Obrador
The price of gasoline was from $25.48 to $24.15
The reduction was 5.2% - Sheinbaum Pardo (in the three months of his six-year term)
The price of gasoline was from $23.95 to $23.85
The reduction was 0.4% - Iván Escalante ruled that “the excessive increases in gasoline were during the PRI six-year periods”
- The head of the Executive explained that the graph that details gasoline prices by six years is called “in constant pesos,” because it shows the costs with the discount of inflation. In addition, she said that “in real terms, gasoline has decreased.” unlike the governments of Calderón and Peña Nieto, which was where they increased the most.
National Plan
- The Development Plan is the guide of the Mexican government, where the economic, social and political priorities of the six-year term are defined, indicated Edgar Amador Zamora.
- The National Development Plan 2025 – 2030 is divided into four general axes:
– Governance with Justice and Citizen Participation
– Development with Wellbeing and Humanism
– Moral Economy and Work
– Sustainable Development - Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, pointed out that the National Development Plan is also divided into three transversal axes, which are: – Substantive equality and women’s rights
– Public innovation for national technological development
– Rights of indigenous and Afro-American communities - The coordinator of Advisors to the Presidency mentioned that article 26 of the Constitution establishes that “democratic participation in planning is a right of the people”, which is why forums will be held with the participation of citizens in the first two weeks of January, through the website
- The president, Claudia Sheinbaum, announced that the former governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García, will be at the head of CENEGAS, starting next Monday, January 6.
- The coordinator of Advisors to the Presidency mentioned that article 26 of the Constitution establishes that “democratic participation in planning is a right of the people”, which is why forums will be held with the participation of citizens in the first two weeks of January, through the website
- The president of Mexico indicated that what her Government proposes is that “the State must have a participation in the economy, as the central axis of planning”, in addition, she explained that this should not be confused “with that we are against private investment or the market”
- Sheinbaum Pardo stated that with the Mexico Plan and the Development Plan “we are going to promote the economic growth” of the country and the distribution of resources.
- Sheinbaum explained that with the reform of the Federal Labor Law that provides social security to application workers “we are formalizing a part of the economy sector that is considered informal,” as well as by promoting that domestic workers “can have rights and social security.”
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- The president said that “we must not associate migrants with violence, so we need to generate a different vision, because migrants migrate out of necessity and seek for their families the best possible life that cannot be given in their places of origin”, which is why he pointed out that “we do not agree” with the mass deportation proposed by Donald Trump
- The president of Mexico explained that the Federation’s Expenditure Budget considers 800 thousand million pesos for Welfare Programs and close to 800 thousand million pesos of public investment. In addition, she announced that on January 12, in the 100-day Report , the priority projects that will be carried out in 2025 will be presented.
- Sheinbaum said that “next year, on the part of Pemex, an investment of around 4 billion pesos is considered and there are also mixed investments, some that remained from former president López Obrador
- In addition, the presentation of the Mexico Plan is on January 13 and on Thursday the 16th is the meeting with municipal presidents, which is scheduled to take place at the World Trade Center because “there is no room for them in the National Palace,” said Sheinbaum Pardo.
- Claudia Sheinbaum mentioned that the Basic Basket fell from $1,036.00 to $910.00 pesos, however, she indicated that a new agreement will be signed in June 2025 to maintain the price of the basic basket.
- A video was presented where a US security officer can be seen fainting after exploding in contact with fentanyl and suffering an overdose. “Take your conclusions,” stated the president of Mexico
- Finally, this Friday morning in the town in the Suave Patria section, a video dedicated to “Ulama” was presented, the ancient Mesoamerican ball game.