Following the “disease” that struck the veterinarians: great fear of a shortage of poultry

by time news

The management of the Veterinary Inspection Corporation warned that there could be a shortage of poultry as early as tomorrow, following the “mass starts” of veterinary inspectors. About a fifth of the employees of the Veterinary Inspection Corporation announced on Friday that due to illness they would be absent from work on Sunday.

The management of the union warned that the “disease” could disrupt the slaughter of the fresh poultry, and that there could be a shortage of poultry already in the middle of the week. “As the morbidity continues and increases, the corporation will consider its steps and examine the use of the tools at its disposal. All this in order not to harm its vital activity in safeguarding public health,” the management of the Veterinary Inspection Corporation announced in a letter to employees – “We call on everyone to come to their senses, to stop the cynical displays of force , which cause unnecessary harm to the economy and the public, and to return to constructive discourse with the aim of summarizing and signing a collective labor agreement as soon as possible.”

The corporation claimed that advanced negotiations were underway with the employees on signing a new collective agreement, but even though significant progress was made, recently employees began to be absent due to illness.

This is not the first time in recent months that a warning has been given about fear of a shortage of poultry, and a call has been issued to advance and purchase fresh poultry.
The reasons in the past were, among other things, due to a sequence of holidays – fasting T’Bav and the Muslim holiday of sacrifice, and due to the lack of working days in the period between Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

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