“Following the election results”: a new movement calls on Israelis to leave the country

by time news

A new movement is trying to recruit ten thousand Israelis to leave the country with them following the election results. The group known as “Leaving the Land – together”, defined an initial target of about ten thousand Israeli immigrants.

One of the leaders of the group, Yaniv Gorlik, was in the past a key activist in protests against Netanyahu and is considered a prominent social activist against religious coercion. Another activist is Mordechai (Motti) Kahana, an Israeli-American businessman and philanthropist. A few days ago, Kahana tweeted, “After years of smuggling Jews from war zones in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine to Israel, I have decided to help Israelis move to the US.”

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Kahane is considered an activist among a group of Israeli-Americans who ran in the recent elections for the World Zionist Congress, which finally received enough votes to send one representative to the Congress in Israel. “The members of the Israeli-American party thought I was a bit extreme, I told them it was time to offer the Zionist movement an alternative in case the situation in Israel continues to worsen. I do not wish for our country to be destroyed, but what would happen if it were destroyed?”, he claimed.

According to him, “I see great brotherly hatred and I see the Iranians with the precision missiles aimed at Israel. Two thousand years ago it was exactly the same.” Kahana suggested donating half of the funds of the National Fund for Jewish Education in North America, “because we are half of the Jewish people,” he said. “Let Jewish education be free or at least subsidized. Jewish education is too expensive in the US.”

Kahana received dozens of requests from Israelis for assistance with immigration, mainly from those who run small technology companies that wish to move their offices to the US. “I saw people in a WhatsApp group talking about the immigration of Israelis to Romania or Greece, but I personally think it would be much easier for them to immigrate to the US. I have a huge farm in New Jersey and I offered the Israelis to join in order to turn my farm into a kibbutz.”

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“With such a government in Israel, the American government should allow every Israeli who owns a company or has a sought-after profession in the US, such as doctors and pilots, to immigrate to the US,” he wrote. Kahana believes that the Jewish people never knew how to rule their country and are destined to live in the Diaspora. “The Second Temple was destroyed because of hatred which is similar to what is happening in Israel in 2022,” he said.

Moti Kahana (Photo: Moti Kahana)

According to him, of the dozens of Israelis who turned to him for advice and connections, all were secular. One of the members of the group is David, an Israeli who said he spent the last few weeks in Italy. “I have been in Italy for almost a month, with a rented car and apartments and it was much cheaper than living in Israel,” he wrote.

David explained that Israel has many “unnecessary taxes”, while “the biggest tax robbery in the world is the housing tax”. He added that the prices of the supermarkets in Israel for foods and basic necessities are “one of the most expensive in the world”. David urged “Get up and do something today. Even those of you who are on the more financially successful side of Israeli society, you better wake up because your fall will be much more painful than those who are not as successful.”

Still, there are only a few hundred Israelis who are members of these groups on all social media platforms. They opened smaller groups to help with immigration to 26 countries, including Canada, Romania, Ukraine, Australia, Thailand, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, as well as the USA. This Thursday, a group of “Leaving the Land – Together” activists will meet, Virtual, for the first time through Zoom.

Member of the Knesset, acting Lt. Col. Moshe Solomon, religious Zionism, in response to the phenomenon of the new stepchildren: “The case in question is a disgrace to every citizen who holds an Israeli passport. For many generations, the Jews in the Diaspora had to deal with anti-Semitism and challenges much more difficult and complex than the social and economic situation of the State of Israel today, the group in question chooses to betray the democratic idea that is so important to them, and to give up the Zionist vision that was the light for hundreds of Jewish communities in the Diaspora. As someone who grew up living in a foreign country, Ethiopia, I regret to inform the organizing group that such a move will not only not be good for their personal lives but will be a crying for generations for their descendants.

“I call on them to return from the sad initiative, despite all the difficulties and disagreements, the people of Israel had their say in the elections – chose to stay in the country and strengthen the state. This is how we will slowly heal the divisions in the public and bring a better future to all citizens of the State of Israel, regardless of who is in power at that time The time”.

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