Following the Money: Interview with MK Michal Shir on the research she published on the subject of right-wing associations

by time news

Uri Zohar’s death was an opportunity for a retrospective look at Israel in the years between 1967-1977. The secular Uri Zohar who asked the audience: “Am I beautiful?” Went on to announce emphatically: “I am beautiful!”. A wish for an answer with an exclamation mark, with the word SD written at the top of the page.

Zohar’s death was an opportunity for a retrospective observation of Israel from 1967-1977. The secular glow that asked the audience, “Am I beautiful?” Went on to announce emphatically: “I am beautiful!”. A wish for an answer with an exclamation mark, with the top of the page in SD

The programs in memory of Uri Zohar have repeatedly dealt with the brilliant and critical work of Zohar and the Lul gang about the reality of the young and proud Israel itself. From the euphoria of ’67 and after the crash of ’73 which also marked the starting point of the movement of repentance of those times.

As someone who grew up as a child in the 60s and 70s on the knees of coop programs, I then and for years only referred to simplification: humor, coolness, and songs that became iron-clad assets. Today, in a consciousness that contains the existence of the difficult dilemmas that daily prey on the realities of our lives, I can only marvel at a pre-timely critical vision.

Criticism of a man who made brilliant use of the cinematic medium, to ask questions and criticize the omissions that others have not yet been able to see in the name of the Zionist ethos and a high sense of value. A defiance against the “hippies and the brave” of the time, that the only partner in critical work in this spirit that comes to mind is Hanoch Levin.

Zohar was a man who sought justice, pointing in his amusing and satirical way to paradoxes and injustices done in the name of national ethos, money, gender arrogance and racist arrogance. Today it’s really not funny when we understand what damage those injustices caused. We pay high prices and try to figure out where to start repairing.

As someone who grew up as a child in the 60s and 70s on the lap of a coop, I then only referred to simplicity: humor, coolness and songs. Today, in a consciousness that contains the existence of the difficult dilemmas of our lives, I can only marvel at a pre-timely critical vision

In one of the videos in the coop, harsh images of air pollution in Israel are shown with some of the well-known monuments that continue to pollute to this day, including the Haifa refineries, in the background of the song full of pathos: “Our country was built.”

At the end of the victim section in the form of the average Israeli, he is instructed by his doctor to go to the sea to soak up the sun and strengthen his body. In the last frame he comes out of the sea adorned with tar and debris that has been swept into the water.

That’s how our lives were and they are still like that. Who was talking then about environmental issues and the problematic meaning of the phrase “We will wear you whole concrete and cement”? Even today, these pollutants recruit quite a few messages in the name of Zionism to justify their existence, which is harmful to society and the environment and beneficial only to the pockets of the owners.

Uri Zohar decided to replace a diskette in the middle of his life and become an ultra-Orthodox Torah student. A person’s right to lead his life in a way and place that is good for him. But Uri Zohar was not just a man. He was a social leader, and referring to Baal Teshuvah’s channel, was a source of curiosity until the day he died.

Who was talking then about environmental issues and the problematic meaning of the phrase “We will wear you whole concrete and cement”? Even today, polluters recruit messages in the name of Zionism, to justify their existence, which is harmful to society and the environment, and beneficial only to the owners’ pockets.

Recognizing its public value and influence, he glowed fire and brimstone over where he came from, without exercising the same self-criticism over the place he chose to live, which he presented as the embodiment of ultimate happiness and wealth.

Thus became the subject of the title “Great Converts.” When doing propaganda then the truth really is not a candle at the feet of the propagandist. The ninth commandment: “Thou shalt not answer thy neighbor to a lie” does not mean that partial and trending information cannot be given.

In interviews interviewed by Uri Zohar, he made sure to emphasize his modesty and the material asceticism of his life as an illustration of the gap between being a reckless and greedy secularist and his life as a righteous ultra-Orthodox. In the subtext, this show divides the secular and the ultra-Orthodox into the ugly and the beautiful, the bad and the good. Except for a few unusual characters to whom he has kept affection from the past.

As an ultra-Orthodox – at the beginning of his career and until the end of his life, Uri Zohar found him as a soulmate Aryeh Deri known as the embodiment of “the righteous of the generation and a humble man who settles for little for heaven’s sake”. He supported him with all his heart, devoting to his favor his cinematic and creative skills. And he did not stop there even when the court ruled that Deri, as a minister in the Israeli government, committed a crime against society and sentenced him to sit in prison.

Zohar did not let the facts confuse him in the name of sectoral loyalty and perhaps also the desire to be liked by the organic ultra-Orthodox society, which does not accept the converts with excessive trust and affection.

In the ultra-Orthodox world that Uri Zohar chose to live in, no less terrible and terrible things happen than in the secular world and perhaps sometimes even more, because the crimes take place under the radar in the name of religion, God and his representatives on earth.

In the ultra-Orthodox world that Uri Zohar chose to live in, terrible and terrible things happen no less than in the secular world and perhaps sometimes even more, because the crimes take place under the radar in the name of religion, God and his representatives on earth.

Lies, deception, greed, infidelity and domestic violence, bodily and property injuries and power struggles between stork yards, terror of modesty and mental control, gender oppression and racism. Sexual and psychological abuse of the helpless is silenced and pushed away from the public consciousnessSo that the victims often become the problem and not the offenders.

The phenomenon of criminals of all kinds who come to the courts are covered with large domes and well-known tassels, and they receive a warm welcome in the religious community as well, while attaching the adjective: Tzaddik. When it comes to religious cover and speaking in the name of heaven, the sense of smell and taste is lost. Everything becomes sweet and kosher.

In the days when Uri Zohar was born and raised, as part of the generation that represented the Sabra myth, the exemplary society was the kibbutz society, which for many years has been held accountable. This company is forced to criticize itself, robbing systems and rethinking its essence and place in the changed Israeli space.

The ultra-Orthodox society has always presented itself as an exemplary society that is uncritical in its own right and keeps the dirty laundry inside. Those who take it out receive a cold shoulder and even expulsion, alienation and violence for daring to criticize and demand justice.

The ultra-Orthodox society has always presented itself as an exemplary society and keeps the dirty laundry inside. Those who take it out receive a cold shoulder and even violence for daring to criticize and demand justice

As he walked to his new place, where he found for himself a sweeping answer to all, Uri Zohar turned his back on his origins and past, with an indiscriminate kick at everything that was a part of him. He turned secular and Sabra Israeliness into a representation of all evil. Entered his ark and closed its doors to reality and facts.

All this when out of his exemplary society grow not only weeds that have strayed from the path but dubious religious leaders and Kabbalists who have a negative influence at the top of society and government. When the angular figures who make themselves the leaders of the sects centered around them adore drugged minds. Some are dangerous types towards others, who use violence and threats, and commit crimes against the weak and helpless. All under religious cover.

I do not remember that Uri Zohar, in the form of the ultra-Orthodox rabbi, criticized the society in which he lived for 45 years. He marketed it as perfect, absolute and unique truth, while fully aware of the meaning of the connection between Uri Zohar from time to time and the ultra-Orthodox rabbi Zohar and what the meaning of the “Uri Zohar” brand also means to those who did not grow up on Lul’s work.

Zohar became, under his leadership and responsibility, a sacred cow. When sacred cows are slaughtered, the insight arises that there is no difference between a cow and a cow. As under the clothing cover there is no difference between person and person.

“Everything is people,” said Modi Bar-On, who died that week at a young age and a serious illness. For years, Bar-On hosted the television program “All People” and “In the State of the Jews,” which told the story of the founding episodes and told about the lives of diverse characters, who influenced and shaped the face of Israeli society.

He was the face and voice of the program, which knew how to present a variety of aspects, including the problematic, awaken the consciousness, voice the criticism and mark challenging question marks.

As he walked to his new place, where he found a sweeping answer to all, Zohar turned his back on his origins and past, with an indiscriminate kick at everything that was a part of him. He turned secular and Sabra Israeliness into a representation of all evil

The same question marks that terrify a society that draws its power from the fact that one is born and lives in a reality in which there are no questions. Only complete and signed hegemonic answers.

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