Following the protests, the Government of Antioquia announced that the Women’s Secretariat would maintain its name and structure

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The claims of human rights organizations and feminist movements eventually found an echo in the departmental government, which in recent days took note of the claims and made changes and modified others it had announced Women’s Secretariat As part of a reorganization that took place a month ago and that, as a result of drastic changes in the operations and missions of several agencies, He created upheaval in many sectors.

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Well, Carolina Lopera Tobón, the new female secretary announced last week, confirmed that the agency, which was renamed the Women and Care Secretariat amid a structural upheaval, would ultimately retain its name. The name change, which also came with a change in the objectives of said office, was described as a “terrible” and “unconstitutional” blow by feminist organizations and human rights defenders, who pointed out that it was an approach in which no one prioritized women’s rights, but This was limited only to women’s work in the family role.

“This system is a strategy where the Women’s Secretariat must have the leadership because we are the ones who verify that said system, as a transversal strategy, has a gender perspective,” the official said.

Lopera has a master’s degree in political science have more than 15 years of experience On topics such as project formulation, execution and monitoring, gender studies, victim focus and human rights.

Now Secretary, she worked for the Mayor’s Office of Medellín as an investigator in the Victim Care Program, Victims Unit, and the Information System for Safety and Coexistence and in the Security Secretariat.

His last position was as Head of Public Value Projects at Efit University, A role in which she had to coordinate several gender projects, including technical and methodological support in the creation of public policy on gender equality for urban and rural women of Medellín, the Business Alliance for Gender Equality and the use of technology in the prevention and care of women victims of gender-based violence with the Mi Sangre Foundation and BIDLab.

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