Fontane Bianche and its streets, the complaint of Italia Nostra: “Neglect and degradation, what an ugly postcard!”

by time news

“A bad postcard of Fontane Bianche, with images of desolate neglect and degradation”. Italia Nostra, through its president Liliana Gissara, expresses all its regret for what was noticed in the seaside area of ​​Syracuse last Sunday, when near the premises that house the Guardia Medica, Gissara’s eye fell on the state of the flowerbeds located at the entrance to the health facility, with a visibly “unhygienic and indecent” situation. The president of Italia Nostra adds that “right in front of those flowerbeds there is the bus stop, which is mainly used by foreigners, mostly foreigners. Not only are hygiene and decorum compromised, but also the safety of those who frequent the health facility, as there is a clear risk of tripping over the grate of the rainwater drainage channel of the sidewalk, which clearly protrudes from its usual location, right in line with the access steps”. One of the doctors who were rushing out of the place at that moment, according to Gissara’s story, actually risked falling. Another element highlighted: “the light pole at the bottleneck of Via delle Muse, unsafe, is temporarily secured with a rope anchored to the railing of an adjacent house. Again, Via Teti, a one-way street to Cassibile, has a road surface with depressions, humps, potholes, very dangerous and uncomfortable. Consider that it can be used as an escape route for thousands of people in the event of a disaster or serious emergencies”. There would also be streets with collapsed traces of underground utilities, despite the fact that it is “a district that pours millions of euros of IMU into the coffers of the Municipality. The last note concerns the landscape, whose protection would be, according to Italia Nostra, lacking over the years.

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