Food during national holidays promotes obesity

by time news

2023-09-15 22:00:10

Improper eating habits and lack of physical activity cause obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.
The diet during national holidays is based on excessively spicy products rich in saturated fats.
The Ministry of Health recommends adopting the Milpa Diet to avoid health complications.

One of the highlights of the Mexican national holidays is food. Conventionally, a large number of typical dishes are eaten and most are excessively spicy and rich in saturated fats. For this reason, they promote obesity and are also a health risk, especially in the case of people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular problems.

Special care that must be taken

The Director of Nutrition National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” (INCMSZ)Martha Kaufer Horwitz, warned that during these national holidays people with these conditions should moderate their food consumption.

He clarified that the complications in his health are not a direct consequence of overeating on these specific dates, but rather a result of inadequate nutrition during his life history.

WHO launches healthy eating guide at sporting events: You can download it for free here

Likewise, they are more vulnerable to suffering respiratory diseases or complications from this type of infections, as was demonstrated during the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, in which these population groups were at greater risk to health and life.

Consequences of poor nutrition

Excess food consumption causes overweight or obesity, with short or long-term consequences such as insulin resistance and high lipid concentrations since childhood. Currently, there are adolescents with metabolic syndrome because they began to develop this type of problems from an early stage.

Kaufer Horwitz recommended celebrating with healthy foods, but if you overeat seasonal foods like pozole, you can detoxify your body with meals rich in fruits and vegetables in the subsequent days.

The INCMNSZ Nutrition Director recognized that the misleading advertising of the junk food industry leads Mexicans to consume quick products, rich in sugars, salts and saturated fats. If the lack of physical activity is added, the result is overweight, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, among other diseases.

He expressed the importance of empowering people with extensive information about the damage that ultra-processed foods cause to health; It must be a comprehensive, long-term program that transcends and does not only translate into changing measures or strategies.

Type of diet that is recommended for national holidays and the rest of the year

For its part, the Ministry of Health (SSa) stated that for these national holidays, as for the rest of the year, it is recommended that the diet be based on Milpa Diet. It is a model based on the culture and regional characteristics of the country that is healthy for people and friendly to the environment.

The Milpa Diet promotes the daily consumption of vegetables and greens in the greatest possible quantity in all meals: pumpkin, nopales, quelites, purslane, romeritos, huazontle, tomato, tomato, pepper, chayote, watercress, huitlacoche and mushrooms, among others. others; followed by whole fruits without added sugar, as well as whole grains.

In smaller quantities, cardioprotective and unsaturated oils, seeds, legumes, dairy products, sweeteners and animal protein.

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#Food #national #holidays #promotes #obesity

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