Food intolerances, what is the lactose breath test for?

by time news

Food intolerances, lactose breath test: all the details on the specialist exam to find out if there is a problem with the digestive system

The microbiota it is the set of “good” bacteria that have the function of helping digestion, as well as helping the general well-being of the organism. The microbiota is made up of 10 trillion bacteria and protects us from “bad” microbes by creating a special mucous membrane. When this is overcome, however, a called dysfunction is created dysbiosis which leads to food intolerance defined as “indirect”. Symptoms are mainly difficulty digesting and abdominal bloating.

Food intolerances and lactose breath test: the main complaints

Between food intolerance one of the most common is the celiac disease, or the difficulty in assimilating gluten. It is a chronic disease that can be diagnosed through blood tests and in some cases with a gastroscopy associated with intestinal villous sampling. Another common intolerance is that to lactose. In this case, the action of the enzyme lactase is weakened by an intestinal infection due to an alteration of the microbiota.

Breath test lactose: what it is and what it is used for

“If there are any warning signs that could be linked to gastrointestinal disorders – says Dr. Nicola Gaffuriin charge of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy of Humanitas Gavazzeni, Humanitas Castelli e Humanity Medical Care of Bergamo. – and therefore to possible food intolerance such as flatulence, meteorism, heartburn, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, the tests to be performed are the so-called breath test“. These tests are very simple and non-invasive. Not only that, they are absolutely not painful and not dangerous at all .:

  • Breath test glucose – occurs bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine
  • Breath test lactose – check if there is an intolerance to this sugar present in milk and its derivatives. The lactose breath test cost is that of a ticket in the hospital or 50-120 euros in private laboratories.
  • Breath test lattusolio (sugar with a high laxative power) – allows you to measure the time taken by food to pass from the mouth to the blind intestine and to verify that there is an excess of bacteria in the digestive system

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